Ultimate Leveling While Making Money Guide (2024)


  • 1 Levels 1-12
  • 2 Levels 12-18
  • 3 Levels 18-24
  • 4 Levels 22-28
  • 5 Levels 24-28
  • 6 Levels 28-35
  • 7 Level 35-50
  • 8 Level 50+

This guide is based on my own experience leveling several different classes through different locations to 50 and tips from other players on the best and quickest leveling spots to maximize coin while doing it. I have done it as a Necromancer so you might have to change your strategy or duo some of these places according to your class.

Note this is not the fastest way to level guide, although it is pretty quick if the spots you need are not being heavily camped.

Levels 1-12

Doesn't really matter. Just hit level 12. I know lots of people go to East Commonlands to get buffs at the tunnel and then just kill whatever they find running around. I tried this method but found it slower than simply soloing without any buffs in Steamfont Mountains since there was literally 0 competition for any mobs compared to the 20 other low levels doing the same thing as me in East Commons. Save all your bone chips/HQ pelts/anything else higher level players will buy and easily pay 10+pp a stack for.

Starting at level six, you can camp Puntar Sandfisher. He is a lone barbarian along the southern shore of North Ro. Almost dead ahead as you exit the tunnel from the commons. He sits by a small hut along the waters' edge, near the sand/grass border. He always drops a single "Fishing Pole" -- which I'm fairly certain sells for 5g, maybe even 1p. As I recall, he surprisingly will not draw social aggro from his barbarian compatriots when he flees as his HP begins to drop. No notable faction hits either if I am not mistaken. (The Fishing Pole actually sells for about 2 gold, also there is a Karana faction hit.)

Levels 12-18

Nybright Sister camp in Lesser Faydark. 6 min timer. Located next to the entrance to Mistmoore. Easily breakable camp even at level 12, has 4 very low HP rogue mobs that drop bronze weapons in addition to low level gems/stones. To easily break the camp, hit Kayla Nybright, then Shayla Nybright, and finally the other two sisters: Jayla Nybright and Tayla Nybright. The weapons vendor for almost as much as fine steel does. If this camp is taken there is another bandit camp up north, but with 3 spawns who are warrior mobs so they take longer to kill. There is a vendor right there in the zone as well if you are a good race, if not, I suggest binding yourself at the merchants in Steamfont and run back and hope no one has taken the camp. I made over 2k plat doing 12-18 here and was able to purchase a full set of Necro gear along with all my spells.

Around level 11 or 12 you can begin camping Misty Storyswapper in West Karana. Her level will vary so it can be problematic when she spawns as a yellow con-- however once she's fully dark blue it becomes easy fast XP. She's a bard on a 6 minute timer, and every time she is killed she drops a "Lute" worth 1pp. Doesn't seem like a lot, but it adds up, considering you can stay at this camp until level 19-20. Best of all, on the opposite side of the hosue she spawns next to there is a merchant. This particular merchant will not deal with evil races, however when night falls another merchant takes her place who will. I think I managed to rake in 2-300p by the time I was done camping Misty Storyswapper as a lvl 19 Necro. When I was lower level, I would land my dots and run from her. As with the Nybright sisters camp, make sure you bind close by-- if you die in WK the last thing you'll want to do is make a corpse run from the Freeport or worse. While waiting on Storyswappers' spawn, there are a couple of single pull guards, as well as a priest in the vicinity. All are lower level, but will increase your XP/hour until they green out if you kill them during Misty's downtime. The guards will always drop weapons, although they aren't particularly valuable, they will still add up after a couple hundred kills.

Levels 18-24

Crag spiders in Eastern Karana right by the long winding entrance back into Highpass Hold. Rarely camped by more than 2 people, and even then, there are so many spiders and other wandering dark blue con mobs, you have more than enough before your mana/hp can regen. The coin off these isn't that great, but they drop a ton of spider silk which you can sell to players for a good amount of plat as you will have well over 20+ stacks by the time these con light blue.If you happen to be a necro, Tol Nicelot in the Erudin library is an excellent solo camp for levels 20-24. You will want to use fear and kill him as soon as possible because he uses LoH, but he is worth a nice chunk of experience, has a five minute spawn, and averages over five platinum per drop.

During Kunark era level 20 most classes are able to contend with the lower tier giants in Warsliks Woods. You can most certainly join an XP group at 19 however. The money is not super steady, but there are a few drops worth mentioning. Pieces of armor, weapons, as well as the elusive Forest Loop. If you feel so inclined you could stay at this camp until lvl 30.

That being said I would recommend checking out the Brutes outside of Dalnir, once you hit level 25 or 26. It's one of the easiest money camps I've ever seen. Though it is highly contested so be prepared to sit on a list. There are 2 camps of brutes, a 2 spawn and 3 spawn. Though they con "scowling, ready to attack" they will not aggro you unless attacked. Unbelievably they will not even aggro as you attack their friends-- No social aggro. 90% of the time they drop low-mid grade gems which will sell to merchants for 5g-8p. Being that gems are so light weight you can stack these forever, even forego looting the jewelry which doesn't stack. I believe I stayed at this camp until lvl 37, though the XP had slowed down drastically at 35+, the money was so good I did not want to leave.

(Edit): As a necro soloing Tol Nicelot, you'll want to pull him downstairs trough the teleporter as if you were exiting the city, and kill him there to avoid getting killed by the Paladin guild master that will aggro if he path nears her, as well as the enchanter GM at the INN during the night. I've died a couple times to these two until i wizened up to this strategy! Good hunting fellow necros, and stay EVIL!!! >=) P.S: Made all the way to 26 on Tol Nicelot until exp slowed down.

-Manakim Devorare, 26 Erudite Necromancer

Levels 22-28

(added to the guide Jan 12, 2021)

Haunted Island in Ocean of Tears. 8 total spawns of gargoyles which drop gargoyle eyes. These vendor for ~190pp per stack. Sometimes they will drop 2 at a time, but overall, I'd say that roughly 30% of your gargoyle kills will net you an eye. I took my Wood Elf Ranger to the island immediately after getting a level buffer at 22, and hunted for approximately 24 hours in a 2-day period. Starting at lvl 22, the gargoyles were giving roughly 2-3% of a level per kill. At 27, each kill was still approximately 1-2% of a level, even though gargoyles turned dark green.

The main thing that slows down experience and loot is how the island works with PH spawns: skeleton spawns are more frequent. At lvl 22, a few skeletons were giving negligible exp. At 23, no skeletons were providing experience. Their loot is exactly like that of decaying skeletons in newbie zones: cloth armor, bone chips, rusty weapons, and the occasional cracked staff.

Skeletons and Gargoyles have some kind of beef with one another, as you'll occasionally see them in combat together. Skeletons are no match for the gargoyles, even when they gang up on them. However, this needs to be of note, because it's possible to get KS'd by a skeleton if you're not careful. Due to the hilly and grey-tone nature of the island, both skeletons and gargoyles are camouflaged by the background, day or night, making them difficult to see, and easily allowing you to get jumped. Because their paths cross often, you might end up in combat with 1 or 2 foes at a time. Again, this is a potential source for getting a gargoyle KS'd by a skelly, or getting jumped and having to deal with more mobs.

If the island hasn't been cleared any time recently, it's highly likely that the entire 8 spawns will have been replaced with all gargoyles. This is an ideal, but semi-dangerous, situation. If you've just started hunting the island, and don't know what you're doing, you'll easily get overwhelmed by 2 or 3 gargoyles, and you'll have little recourse for escape. If you don't have feign death or gate, you're going to die ... where are you going to swim to quickly enough to get help?

When you first arrive, you'll likely be coming from directly north west or north east of the island via the boat. Head to the east-north east corner of the island, as there is a peninsula jutting out that points toward the nearby goblin island. It's got a small tree up on its little hill, and this is a safe spot to camp, med, heal, or go AFK, as there are no paths near enough to aggro you.

The water line will become your friend during this endeavor, as you should be pulling to the water each and every kill for the foreseeable future. That is, until you have the island well and clear of mobs. Using whatever keyboard key you've bound to alternate between NPCs (this is valuable, even as a tracker - I use TAB), acquire a target and then visually find it before entering combat. It's best to pull with range, and run immediately to the nearest water line so you can fight / nuke them into oblivion. The vast majority of the time, you'll get a single pull. But during the initial stages of your camp when it's more populated, you've got a higher likelihood of pulling more than one, so keep that in mind, and keep your eyes open.

Pet classes, take note: pull with a spell, don't send your pet in during the initial clearing stages, as it will drastically increase your potential for adds.

TAB often, but be wary, 4 spectres are also on this island, and if you're facing them, they're going to end up targeted on occasion, which is just super annoying. Oh, and don't get too close to them, because they're around lvl 35 and can hit for 90+ dmg. You aggro THEM, you're gonna die, because you'll get a group of 3 or 4.

With all that in mind, some data:

6 verified spawn points across the map

  • -675, -6815
  • -1120, -7030
  • -1075, -6920
  • -1080, -6850
  • -1250, -6860
  • -985, -6655

The other 2 spawns could not be verified during my stay. They are likely the 2 spawns that wander through the center of the island, going into direct contact with the spectres, and I ain't risking that again o_O

You can make this a semi-AFK camp, or an active one, it's up to you. When starting out, it's likely going to be very active, because you're just high enough to handle 1-2 gargoyles at a time with a long break in between. As skeletons replace the gargoyles, the speed in which you clear the island will increase. Pro tip: always always always keep at least 1 (ideally 2) gargoyles alive during your stay on the island. Again, they fight off skeletons, who are just - frankly - a waste of your time. The only major benefit of the skellies is bone chips. Necros / SKs will have a smorgasbord of them by the time they are done, while other classes will have the potential to sell bone chips to said Necros / SKs. If you clear out the island of all mobs, then you or someone else may come back to find the whole thing just littered with skellies, and that's no bueno! Also, when you're done, be courteous and leave at least 1 gargoyle for the next hunter, so that that one garg can help clear the skelly spawns and make room for his pals to party with the spectres.

After my 2 days of hunting, I left with just over 9 stacks of eyes, 11 stacks of bone chips, and 5 levels. I could have easily stayed to acquire another level, but I got impatient and wanted to move on. Nevertheless, it's still a viable hunting spot to get to 28 - even 29 - if a bit tedious (hello, this is EverQuest - tedium incarnate!)

- Quul Beans, 30 Wood Elf Ranger (Blue Server)

Levels 24-28

Sister Hut in Ocean of Tears. One of the best money making camps in the game pretty much until you are 40+. Two mobs spawn in this hut, 6 min timer. Easy to break. They both drop longswords + misc words and purity belts every single time. The longswords sell for 11pp each. There is a dwarf vendor directly behind you in a tent BUT He will he not buy from you if you are an evil race/class. Another easy 4k+ plat here going 24-28. If this spot is camped, you can do the other sisters on the island as well as the dwarfs, however the coin is not close to these 2 sisters in the hut.

(Edit) This camp is far harder than a 24 can do unless you are twinked or a bard class. Tried duoing this with a 25 enchanter and 24 necro and we could both barely kill one of them, they have very high resists.

(Edit) This camp was pretty easy with the right duo; 24 enchanter and 24 druid. The resists are high, but not too bad if you use tash. You can't split the spawn with pacify/harmony, but if you pull with tash/snare, then let the chanter pet tank the sister that is not snared yet. Mes the snared sister chasing the druid. Then fear/kite each one. Just make sure they don't wander too close to the huts with the red cons. Pull so they are farther away, or root them before they get too close.

(Edit) Jan 08, 2021: A lvl 27 Dark Elf Necro had a very hard time soloing this camp - it was virtually impossible. Too many resists, and the two sisters have quite a bit of health / dmg. I couldn't reliably keep my mana up to maintain the camp after only a few kills. Additionally, selling to the Dwarf wasn't an option (as mentioned above), nor was it possible to sell to the elf merchant who sells Kiola Nuts. In fact, the only place a DE Necro could sell was on the island near the Freeport side of the zone. It was only after reaching lvl 29 that the sisters could be handled without stress - new spells, new pet, new pain! A good way to split as a necro is to stand north east of the hut toward the mountain (keep your pet guarded out north west of the hut for safety), and cast a Darkness spell on Larisa Gelrith. She and Ascania Halvbin will run out, so follow it up with Feign Death. Ascania will walk back, but Larisa will only turn around, frozen in place. Once Ascania resets, just pop up and walk towards Larisa, she'll aggro, and you can run up and around to your pet to help finish her off. It may take more than 1 attempt if you manage to FD too early and Larisa hasn't walked out far enough before you FD. It's probably best to avoid this camp as a DE Necro or similar, and just head south west to Haunted Island and kill Gargoyles and Skeletons. After about 2 days (when my DE necro was 25), I gained 2 levels, and about 6 stacks of Gargoyle Eyes, which vendor for ~190 platinum per stack.

- Nervaal, Dark Elf Necromancer (Blue Server)

Levels 28-35

Splitpaw Lair. I personally was able to solo all the spawns up until the double doors. You can duo the room past the doors and pretty much most of the dungeon after that. Very good money here, and its usually not camped. I rarely saw more than 6 people in this zone while leveling here. Bind yourself at the Aviak merchant at the top of KFC for the quickest run back to paw after you unload your inventory. Less money than the sister hut ironically because nothing in the game drops 11pp+ at this level vendor items unless its specs, giants, etc, but still the best you will find in this level range and very quick XP.

Edit: I don't know who wrote this, but apparently they don't know about the treants in Southern Karana. Granted you will take some faction hits, so if you care about the karana druids/rangers faction, and the guards of Qeynos factions, don't kill them(edit: i spent here from 30-34 and my faction with qeynos guards droped from warmly to amiable only). However, there is no other camp in the game in this level range that even comes close to the amount of money you can make camping the treants. Feasibly one can rake in about 1k per 3 - 4 hours at this camp. Details: Most of the money you're making comes from cash drops in gold. The lowest amount of gold I've ever seen them drop was around 25. The highest was about 140. More often than not, they're going to be dropping in the 80-110gp range. They also drop Great Staffs, which sell for 16pp, Flawless Aquamarines which sell for 11pp, Black Pearls which sell for 18pp, Peridots which sell for 9pp, and other gems which generally sell for plat(prices are based on my charisma, which is 55). They also drop words/etc. The key to making money at this camp is to vendor at the centaur camp(which is very close). There are always Golden Pendants in the merchant's inventory(they aren't unlimited, so don't be a douchebag and buy them all, always leave at least 1 so they don't drop off the list). With 55 CHA, you can buy them for 15pp 9gp, and sell them back for 14pp 7sp. Greater CHA obviously will decrease your loss, but with 55 CHA, you're only losing less than 2pp per transfer, which is pretty amazing. In three days, spending about 5 hours per day camping these, I made over 4k, and was able to gear myself pretty decently, as well as buy three level intervals(24, 29, and 34) worth of research-only spells.


-Vermarion Mortis, 33 Iksar Necromancer

Edit: Mammoths in Everfrost are very good for this range as well. Their tusks sell for ~10p to the Shaman vendor. I found tusk drop rate to be around 50% or higher. In one level I made around 400p selling tusks and words/pages that dropped. Caveats: Tundra Jack will KS you, better for trackers, there are a lot of green kos mobs that will attack you so can be a pain.

Level 35-50

Here is where your choices open up.

  • You can do the spectres in either Ocean of Tears, The Feerrott, or Oasis of Marr. I found the specs in OOT to be the least camped and easiest to solo at 35. Very good money, upwards of 1k+ per level depending on your luck on gem drops. You can stay here from 35-50 if you want. Bind yourself at the same dwarf merchant you used for the sisters, and then run back and hope no one has taken your spot. Note: Spectres in Feerrott mostly conned green at level 48 as a Necro
  • Another really good spot that you can stay at until 50 and is almost never ever camped are the East Freeport guards right outside the docks. There are 7 of them, 8 if you count the green con guard next to the level 40ish guard. You can kill them in pairs of two at a time, and its pretty easy to break this entire section of all 7 guards using root once you get your strategy down. They are I believe on the 27 min guard timer, but by the time you kill the level 40 guard you will only have 5-10 mins before the first 2 guards start spawning again. They commonly drop two fine steel weapons at the same time, and if you kill all 8 (including the green), that's a very nice amount of coin and XP. Once you are able to break this camp the XP flow is non stop as is the cash. There are two vendors in the house next to you on the dock, and both will sell/buy from you regardless of your faction or race/class. (this was not true for my Iksar shaman, so instead I bound myself in West Freeport inside the Herb and Medicine shop, #13 on the WFP map)
  • Lots of people recommend the seafury cyclops island in OOT if you are level 40+ as well, however I find that it is 70% of the time overcamped, and you have to run around like a maniac to get the first tag on a spawn, and you can make much better coin at the spots I mentioned above.
  • Finally, once you hit around 35-40 you can go to Rathe Mountains and kill the hill giants on hill giant hill. They drop between 0-49pp 0-87gp, and various amounts of of silver and copper. One trick to killing there is to go to a vendor and when you get overloaded with gold silver and copper just buy a gem (like an opal or similar) and sell it back to the vendor. You'll lose about a plat (or a few gold) every time you do it, but you'll save yourself a lot of hassle trying to make it to a bank.

Level 50+

Velious gem mobs in Cobalt Scar and Wakening Lands are now your likely destination. Check out the armor gems page, and bookmark it, you'll need to.

  • CS Wyverns (good for Druids and Wizards quad kiting)
  • WL Goos (good for anyone who can quad / root / mezz - the tiny goos have had their HP increased)
  • WL Faerie Dragons (many spawns in the geo caves, virtually anyone can solo them - but they give faction hits to Tunarean court)
  • WL Suits (typical for Druids and Wizards quadding to 60 - heavily camped)
  • WL Geos (tough with over 6k hp each, but the obvious choice for cash + xp, and there are so many mobs; great for grouping, just get your gem rotation down)

- keeping the text below for posterity -

There are many more options of things to camp once you are max level, but only a few classes are able to solo these, and I am pretty sure if you are already 50 then you already know about them and there is no need to include them in the guide.

Have fun. -Lukas

Ultimate Leveling While Making Money Guide (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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