Shadowknight levelling guide - Project 1999 (2024)

Originally Posted by OfftuneRZ[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

This is a very in depth guide written by a red99 legend. Live and die by it. I did not write this, only doing you a favor by pasting it.

E.B.K. BLUUHD's guide to playing a Dark Elf Shadow Knight on the PvP server.

str = carry heavier armor and weapons = more armor class and more dps, carry more items in bags to sell to vendor = more platinum, more dps = can solo mobs

sta = just increases max hp = more hp from heals that max out health, but less dps = takes longer to solo mobs, less heavy armor and weapons = less armor class and less dps = more damage from enemies and enemies die slower, carry less items in bags to sell to vendor = less platinum

alot of gear has sta, but most gear don't have str

so put all 20 extra stat points into str ONLY

shadow knight = hold aggro with dots, can melee while dot is on mob
paladins = hold aggro with stuns but stuns have cast times so you cant melee
warriors = no dot, no stun, only kick/no shield bash, dual wield, taunt is not enough

never join another person's/other people's guild or you will be their slave, the guild founder/s will not consider you to be an equal and if you quit their guild, they will green light you, put hits on you, kill you on sight, and they will feel like you owe them something which can only be repayed with your life. roll solo or start your own guild with people you know "and trust in real life".

priority on gear with graphics:

helm > chest > greaves > sleeves > bracers > gloves > boots

axe > mace > sword

vendor gear purchasing priority at low level is:

rusty scythe > small leather helm > small leather chest > small leather leggings > small leather sleeves > small leather bracers > small leather gloves > small leather boots > two-handed sword

level 9 spell priority is:

disease cloud > lifetap > siphon strength > leering corpse

don't buy cloth armor, you will loot all cloth pieces or almost all cloth pieces from mobs in nektulos forest.

level kill range on mobs in nektulos forest:

level 1 - 2: bixie, moss snake, decaying skeleton

level 3 - 4: spiderling, fire beetle, black wolf

level 4 - 5: l spider, shadow wolf, black bear

level 6 - 7: skeleton, tree snake

when soloing: use harm touch on white con mobs or dark blue con mobs in a close fight, run to guards or to zoneline from yellow con and red con mobs, ignore green con and light blue con mobs but only kill green con and light blue con mobs if they're wearing a bronze chest or carrying a weapon, especially a cracked staff, bronze weapon, or fine steel weapon, only kill green con or light blue con mobs carrying a rusty weapon if you're low level, you can see the bronze chest graphics on some mobs like goblins, kill all dark blue con mobs

buy items from and sell items to vendor that has the highest con: ally > warmly > kindly > amiably > indifferent > apprehensive

keep 1 open spot in inventory and bank for giant items. keep 1 spot in inventory for looted containers. Buy 14 backpacks then replace the 14 backpacks with weight reducing bags, don't sell food and drink looted from mobs, buy grapes and milk not rations or water, regular rations are heavy, iron rations cost too much and milk costs less, put bone chips, spider silk, and spiderling silk in bank

put food and drink looted from mobs in the first inventory slots, which is the top slots in the first bag, put bought food and drink in the bottom slots in the last bag which is the 7th bag

Make a /loc and /corpse macro. use the /loc macro when you're about to get killed so you know where to retrieve your corpse. if you respawn at or reach the zone you died in, mash the /loc macro while running and home in on the location where you died at. If there's wandering KoS mobs around or near your corpse, then repeated mash the /corpse macro while running and pull your corpse to a clear spot to loot.

do not sell snake eggs and chunks of meat to vendor, keep them in the top slots of the first bag in your inventory. separate chunks of meat from bear/wolf meat because they have the same item icon and when you sell your looted items to vendor, you might accidentally sell the chunks of meat thinking they're bear/wolf meat.

don't sell high quality bear skins to vendor. put them in the bank.

choose only one npc vendor to sell items to because if you accidentally sell an item you didn't intend to sell and forgot about it, you can buy it back later because you'll remember what npc vendor you sold it to. you won't be able to buy the item back at the same price you sold it, so don't make the mistake of accidentally selling an item you didn't intend to sell and if you made that mistake once then don't make that mistake again.

if your ranged item slot doesn't have an idol or bow in it, then be sure to check your ranged item slot when you sell your items to vendor, it might have a rusty/bronze/fine steel warhammer on it and then sell the rusty/bronze/fine steel warhammer to vendor.

on the first day you create your character, keep auto run on while in the water (stay at the surface of the water so you will still be able to breath) that has guards around, when you goto sleep and when you wake up several hours later, your swimming will be maxed. if you didn't do that on the first day, then store all your gear in the bank and then go auto run in the water when you goto sleep any day after the first day you created your character. if your swimming didn't get maxed out, then do that again the next day.

keep all your cash in the bank. only make trades with other people at a bank in a city where you and the person you're "going" (going is quoted because sometimes things don't always go as you planned, the person might be a liar, or might change his mind, or other people, like his guildmates or friends will convince him not to trade the item. if the person is lying, then that's because he's trying to set you up, he will either try to take you out by himself or his friends will jump in and ambush you, probably from behind or from the side or will appear by walking up from behind their friend, the person thats trying to set you up, and attack you from the front, during the trade. or he's probably lying to you because he's simply just a prankster trying to annoy you. but always expect the worst) to trade with is not KoS'd in.

be careful of your real life friends that you know and think you trust in real life, because they can be bribed the enemy. because sometimes backstabbing a friend turned former friend for money is worth it for some people. because for some people, there is no friendship when it comes to money. and an enemy can make even more enemies for you by paying them if he has the cash and if the people that he's paying to be against you are satisfied with the amount he's offering.

you still need friends, but if they're defectors and backstabbers then it will eventually show. so when they show their true treacherous self, expect it, react extremely violently, then kill them, show no mercy, and green light them 24/7. sometimes violence will solve your problems.

make good use of the /ignore command and put anyone on ignore that provokes you. similar to italian mafia hitlists and CIA assassination of people they don't like.

put anyone on ignore that attacks you or acts like a retard thru chat. if someone acts like a retard thru chat that's because they are retarded. anyone that attacks you is your enemy so put them on ignore and green light them.

never go anonymous and never lie. only scared people go anonymous and only scared people lie. be an up and frontal warrior, not a ghosted up coward

treat everquest and any other mmorpg like it's real life: prison and in the streets, and you will be more successful.

btw, if you do or say something against another person, it will come back for you. because the past will always come back for you, so if you're going to do or say something against another person, prepare to get it thrown back at you in the future. I may not be immediately, i will come back for you in a few minutes, an hour, a few hours, a day, several days, a week, several weeks, a month, several months, a year, or even in several years if you play that long. nobody gets away with anything. it's all about retaliation and revenge.

never joke around, take everything seriously. Treat everquest like it's real life: prison and the streets. and in real life, you don't live your life, you stay alive by surviving. Never stop surviving, never let your guard down. Similar as to how you don't live in prison, you survive prison.

if someone tries to give you "free" stuff, DO NOT ACCEPT IT because they will come back for you later, nothing is free both in mmorpgs and in real life. and if that person that gave you "free" stuff has friends, him and his friends will go after you because they will feel like you owe them something. NEVER ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE WITHOUT PAYING FOR IT, NOTHING IS FREE. If you get something from someone without paying up front, that person or him and his friends will come back for you. you don't get something for nothing. if someone tries to give you "free" stuff, reject it and put them on ignore.

if someone acts nice to you, that's because they want something from you. put them on ignore and kill them when there's no guards or other players around.

if someone tries to tell you to do something, don't do what they say and put them on ignore. if there's no guards or other people around, kill that person that tried to tell you to do something. never listen to other people.

be weary of "projection labeling". some people will accuse other people of being or doing something that they're guilty of being or doing themselves. those are called hypocrites. it's called "pot calling the kettle black". "it takes one to know one". like if a fatazz, ugly retard calls you a fatazz ugly retard, then they're most likely a fatazz ugly retard in real life. it's called "projection labeling". some people are extremely deceptive, so know when someone is trying to deceive you.

Real gangsters like me go by the saying "admit nothing, deny everything, and counter accuse".

never show emotion, people you don't know "and trust in real life" are your enemies, and if you show emotion then your enemies will know what bothers you. When your enemies know what bothers you, then they will use that against you. NEVER SHOW EMOTION.

never give your enemies a chance, kick them in the face repeatedly while they're lying on the ground. if you dominate your enemies and they drop their weapons and surrender, don't take any prisoners and show no mercy by killing them after they give up, stay enemy killer 24/7 all day everyday.

never spare anyone, it's all about total domination of your enemies. if you see someone that's weak, defenseless and alone, then kill them. AND MAKE DAMN CERTAIN that they don't EVER retaliate or get revenge on you on the future. MAKE DAMN CERTAIN that NO ONE ELSE avenges the person you just killed. You must exterminate all your enemies. An avenger is someone that gets revenge for someone that cannot get revenge for himself anymore. because certain people out there have a "sense of justice". MAKE CERTAIN THAT NO AVENGERS COME FOR YOU AND KILL ALL WITNESSES. because some witnesses will snitch to other people or will take matters into their own hands and go after you, or the people that he snitched to will go after you. you need to do bad things to other people and make sure you get away with it. defy the ying yang theory and the "eye for an eye" thinking, if you think you can. prove the ying yang theory and the "eye for an eye" thinking wrong thru total domination and killing of other people and being able to get away it.

if you discovered something that no one else ever thought about before, and tell someone something that they didn't know. then they will not give you credit, they will take your ideas and discoveries and claim is as their own because they will think that you got it from someone else in which you most likely did. so never tell anyone anything, keep everything a secret and prey on dumb people that don't know anything, it makes them easier to kill, rape and rob. other people are your enemies, never help your enemies. idea stealers think other people are idea stealers, where as creative people think other people are creative. it's called "it takes one to know one". uncreative people don't want other people to be creative, where as creative people want other people to be creative. some sad and pathetic people will pull others down to their sorry level, they want to hold humanity back and stop human evolution and progression. those are called sub-humans. sub-humans want to stop the progression and evolution of the human race because they feel inferiority complex towards those that are genetically superior to them. a human being will see others as human, where as a non-human will not see others as human. a fat overweight person will see other people as fat and overweight, where as a physically fit person will see other people as physically fit. that's why everyone hates fat people and fat people need to be killed. fat people are disgusting and are not human being, but a bunch of walking blobs of slime on two legs that must be exterminated. if you are physically fit, never associate with fat people or you will become fat. if you are physically fit, never see fat people as human being, but things that need to get stomped on their face and kicked really hard on their stomach while they're lying on the ground. if you are physically fit and you make the fatal mistake of seeing fat people as human being, then it will be a mistake that will haunt you for the rest of your life. SO NEVER MAKE THAT MISTAKE, and if you made that mistake once, then DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE EVER AGAIN. in prison, the ripped gangsters don't hang around fat*sses that wish they can be gangsters. real gangsters aren't fat. all the real gangsters in prison are maxxed out on muscles and no body fat, and can bench press twice their weight. that's called being ripped. all the weak fat*sses stay at home all day sitting in front of the computer and TV. all the strong physically fit real gangsters are out there on the streets 24/7. all the dumb gangsters are in prison because they got caught for a crime. there's gangsters in prison, but not everyone in prison is a gangster, there's alot of hom*osexuals in prison. smart gangsters dont get caught for their crimes. and all real gangsters are ripped, there's no such thing as a fat gangster. real gangsters are not fat.

fat people hate other fat people. a fat person doesn't want other fat people to associate with physically fit people but the fat person wants to associate with physically fit people himself, but never will so the fat person just sits in the front of the computer or goes on the PS3 or xbox 360 all day 24/7 because he doesn't have any real life friends and never will make any real life friends because he is fat. If there's a fat person out there trying to lose weight, other fat people will stop that exercising and dieting fat person from trying to lose weight, because fat people are retarded and hom*osexual. the majority fat people don't want to lose weight because fat people are disgusting and are similar to pigs and im not talking about "law" (not law, more like "slavery") enforcement pigs. and fat people want physically fit people to be fat because fat people hate the entire world and fat people hate everyone on this planet and fat people want others to feel their pain and misery. "once fatazz always a fatazz". a fat person will lose all his weight, but will end up becoming fat again in the future because when a person becomes fat once, then that fat person will develop "fat person complex" which will never go away, even if the fat person does lose weight, but the fat person will end up becoming fat again the future, because like i said, the fat person has "fat person complex" and it's permanent, it's a scar in the fat person's brain, and scars cannot be healed. and again, if there's a fat person out there trying to lose weight, other fat people will stop that exercising and dieting fat person from tryin to lose weight because those fat people that are trying to stop that other fat person from trying to lose are very angry and hate filled people that are angry at the world and everyone on this planet because they are fat so they only want others to feel their pain and misery that they felt their entire life from being fat. also, fat people will try to like comedians because they're trying to compensate for their ugly looks, they're ugly because they are fat and all fat people are ugly. but fat people are unfunny and everyone hates fat people. also, fat people's butt's leak of liquid poo, fat people fart alot, and fat people don't take showers and they don't change and wash their boxers or briefs and their pants or shorts so they will sit and walk around their daily lives smelling like poo. fat people will try to act like they are knowledgeable and wise but no one listens to fat people because they are fat, and in reality, fat people don't know anything. fat people have no wisdom or knowledge. if fat people actually knew stuff then they wouldn't be fat. fat people need to take a look at their ugly abomination self in the mirror before they open their mouth and try to speak on other people. fat people need to stop pretending like they're physically fit, fat people need to stop pretending like they're important, fat people are nobodies, fat people will never amount to anything other than being a traumatized, scarred for life fatazz. fat people need to stop pretending like they're leaders. fat people will never become leaders. all real leaders never been fat their entire life and never became fat and died a non-fat person. also young fat people think its ok to be around old non-fat people that are most likely pedophiles. here's some info, if you are young, IT'S NEVER OK TO BE AROUND OLD PEOPLE, especially if you're fat and the other physically fit people of your age that are young like you don't associate with you because you're fat. because those old non-fat people will molest you, especially if you're young and fat. old people that are not fat are not physically fit because they are old, wrinkly, weak, ugly, and have weird looking skin.

there's a difference between looking ugly and looking masculine. young people can look masculine but they won't look ugly. all old people are ugly, but they are not masculine. some old people will try to confuse people that ugly and masculine are the same thing because those old people like being around little kids and they like molesting them. alot of old immigrants from other countries, immigrate to the U.S. so they can be around and molest the young kids here, that's their plot, scheme and plan. and in real life those old people look like skeleton neanderthal zombies.

beware of retards that can't speak english. all these retards know how to do is look at people and either have an idiot smile on their face or look all mad, they don't talk. they're retarded, uneducated, angry, and violent as hell. they don't know anything, if they knew stuff then they would be telling other people about things that they discovered by themselves that no one else ever thought up before. but they never discovered anything because they're a bunch of retarded immigrants. and alot of immigrants are thieves, cheaters and scammers anyways. immigrants can't read, they can't listen, they can't talk, they can't write, and they can't talk. they can't learn anything and they don't want to learn anything other than to die.

some english speakers from other english speaking countries like canada, australia, new zealand, south africa, and united kingdom are retarded like these immigrants that can't speak english at all.

alot of retards that live in suburbs and never lived in a inner city neighborhood full of black and hispanic gangs with an occasional italian mafioso wandering around and that has been saturated by the CIA with guns and drugs, lived a sheltered life their entire life and don't know that there's "bad" people out there in this world. alot of retards that live in suburbs and lived a sheltered life their entire life with their rents acting highly protective of them will never be ready and can never survive in the real world because they don't know how to deal with all the "bad" people out there. sheltered life living suburban retards don't even believe that there's "bad" people out there because they lived a life of watching disney movies and watching cartoon network/nickelodeon cartoons. some of these retarded sheltered life suburb people will try to talk about prison and gangs like they know anything, but if they actually went to prison or go on the streets then they will get stomped down and raped by all the blacks and hispanics in jail and on the streets. because 1. suburban retards have no street smarts. 2. suburban retards are skinny like a twig because they don't lift weights, they only press controller buttons or press buttons on a keyboard or tv controller. 3. suburban retards have no gang affiliations because there are no gangs in the suburbs. suburban retards are so pathethic, they will probably get beaten up by a hom*osexual in prison, not even gangsters. suburban retards are so pathetic, they will probably get beaten up by a fat pedophile that works for minimum wage at some retail store. suburban retards are so pathetic, they probably get beaten up by jamaican and korean nerds at school.

watch out for cry babies and whiners. only girls are cry babies and whiners. those cry babies/whiners are extremely mentally weak, retarded, and are spoiled brats that never work or earn things, they get things handed to them by their rents who are going to die soon anyways and when the retard inherits her rent's house and car/s, the retard wont be able to pay it off because the spoiled retard cant work with deprived people at a workplace because the deprived people that she will be working with will beat her up. the spoiled retard is probably scared to goto college because she will be hanging around with all the fat nerds, retards, and losers and she will get beat up by the preps and jocks. and if the retard does graduate college, it won't be able to work because like i said, she will get stomped by all the deprived people at the workplace she will be working in so the spoiled scared little retard will sit in front of the computer or TV all day playing video games because it's too scared to go outside. if you see someone that has a reputation for being a cry baby and a whiner. kill her and loot her corpse. also if you're in the same zone with a reputed cry baby/whiner, hunt her down, stomp her into the ground, loot her most valuable item from her corpse, talk trash to her, then put her on ignore so you don't hear her whining and crying.

watch out for some immigrant retards that know only "some" english as their second language that will try to say something clever or smart but will end up sounding like a retard that doesn't make any sense at all. put these non-sense speaking, no brain having, broken english speaking immigrant retards on ignore and then kill them.

any yankee retard that tries to act like he's important, and thinks he's a judge or something going around rating stuff like he matters is not important, but a mentally retarded scum. same thing, deal with those neanderthal creatures by killing them then putting them on ignore. north america belongs to asians anyways because native americans were here first and native americans are asian. not anglo-saxons, anglo-saxons need to go back to the neander valley and get out of the UK, north america, south africa, australia and new zealand. even vietnamese are superior to anglo-saxons, that's why the vietnamese defeated the anglo-yankees during the vietnam war. anglo-yankees even had all these german-american made war vehicles and weapons and the anglo-yankees still got defeated by vietnam. yankees are retarded, what make them think they will defeat iran, russia, china, and north korea in world war III? LOL retards get beat up by people who are not retarded 100% of the time... and yankees are retards. yankees think they own america, but it's actually the asian, black, hispanic, jewish, and italian gangsters that own america.

alot of whites are janitors in real life and they clean pee and poo on the floor, toilet rims, and the sides of toilet bowls in public bathrooms 8 hours a day. all the chinese have the engineering jobs, all the indians have the doctor jobs, all the japanese have all the car and electronics manufacturing jobs... koreans are in second right behind the japanese in car and electronics manufacturing, jewish people have all the banker jobs and jewish people control the media, persians control a large percentage of the world's oil, all MFGs are made in china or taiwan, chinese and italians have all their restaurants, all the professional athletes are black, and all the vietnamese have the mechanic jobs.

alot of retards, hom*osexuals, and pedophiles got kicked out of england and sent to north america, australia and new zealand and the spawn of those retards, hom*osexuals and pedophiles are playing everquest so beware of them. you can tell who they are because of their behavior, they act sub-human, so kill them on sight. germany didnt take over the UK, north america, australia or new zealand to put those retards, hom*osexuals, and pedophile rejects of england in gas chambers and ovens. so those retards, hom*osexuals, and pedophile rejects of england are still alive till this day, now it's your job to finish the germany's job and kill them all, do it... hunt down and kill all the retards, hom*osexuals, and pedophile rejects that got kicked out of england that are still alive for the sake of humanity and for the future of all human life on this planet.

be weary of "actions speak louder than words" because some people will say one thing, then do the complete opposite.

if you're not apart of a guild, people who are guilded will "check" you and mess with you. start up your own guild with people you know "and trust in real life" so other guilded people won't check and mess with you. you have to always be apart of a group but with people you know "and trust in real life". because being apart of a group with people you know "and trust in real life" will increase your chances of survival and make your life alot more comfortable and easier. if you're not apart of a group then you will be repeatedly beat down, raped, robbed, and tortured by other people who are apart of a group. Loners who are by themselves make easier targets for rival criminals. And everyone is naturally a criminal, if you don't think you're a criminal, then here's some useful info: you actually are a criminal, because everyone is "naturally" and i quote naturally, a criminal. SO ALWAYS BE APART OF A GROUP WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW "AND TRUST IN REAL LIFE".

never mention other people's name. because other people are nobodies. if someone talks about himself, put them on ignore, because other people are not important. if you see someone mentioning other people's names like a fanboi teeny bopping groupie, put them on ignore and kill them when there's no guards and other people around, because apparently she is a female.

also, you can tell a person is a female in real life because you will be standing out in the middle of nowhere, then the female comes along and gives you all these buffs without you even asking, only females do that. NEVER GIVE BUFFS TO PEOPLE THAT ARE NOT IN YOUR GROUP OR THAT DON'T PAY YOU. if a female gives you all these buffs without you even asking then put them on ignore and then kill them when there's no guards or other people around because those females are a bunch of prostitutes. they want power that they can't get in real life, so they will get that power in everquest. KILL THEM. those females are most likely fat, ugly, stinky, don't take showers, and retarded in real life. and if you try to talk to them thinking they're human being, they won't respond to you because they have a evil grin on their face in real life because they think you don't know that they're fat, ugly, stinky, don't take showers, and are retarded in real life. and they're probably pedophiles in real life anyways trying to seek refuge in everquest. Click off all the buffs the fat, ugly, stinky, no shower taking, retarded female gave to you immediately. Don't even send it a tell saying "thanks" or "later", just put it on ignore immediately. Alot of sickos, pedophiles, ugly fat people, retards and weirdos play everquest so beware of them. In order to deal with them, you must be an organized criminal similar to them Italian Mafia/Chinese Triad/and Japanese Yakuza. Write up hitlists, hunt down people, and kill them.

there's 4 types of crimes, masculine crimes, low IQ crimes, war crimes, and deviant crimes. masculine crimes are committed by Italian Mafia, Chinese Triads, and Japanese Yakuza. low IQ crimes are committed by blacks, hispanics, and southeast asians like robbery and drive by shootings. war crimes are committed by a militarized country like Germany and Japan during WWII. And deviant crimes are committed by pedophiles, child molesters, and serial killers.

Deviant crimes and war crimes are not accepted by civilians. Deviant crimes are the worst, and most deviant criminals get killed in prison by the other criminals who are not in prison for deviant crimes.

Some deviant criminals don't get caught for their crimes, and some of those deviant criminals are playing everquest. So identify all deviant criminals that are playing everquest and hunt them down and kill them whenever possible.

If your IQ is only 85-97, it's possible to raise your IQ to 102+ by playing Everquest, World of Warcraft, Counter Strike, Starcraft, Diablo 2 while listening to gangster rap music like Kurupt, Daz, The Game, Brotha Lynch Hung, Eazy-E, X-Raided. Thug rap like Tupac, Bone Thugs N Harmony, Yukmouth/The Luniz, Tha Outlawz, and Notorious B.I.G. Also, watch prison movies like Blood In Blood Out, American Me. Street gang movies like Boyz in tha Hood, Menace 2 Society. Hood movies like The Player's Club, Friday, Training Day. Mafia movies like Casino, Goodfellas, Bronx Tale. Gangster movies like Scarface. Watch prison HBO television series like Oz. Don't watch American History X, that movie is retarded and gay. Don't watch Triad movies because they're not real gangster movies, just a cop dressing up like a gangster and killing a bunch of posers and wannabes.

Notable Gangster rap tracks to listen while playing Everquest, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Diablo 2 to are:
Locc 2 Da Brain - Brotha Lynch Hung
I Got A Million On It - The Game
Liquor Sicc - Brotha Lynch Hung
Mortal Kombat - X-Raided

Notable Thug rap tracks to listen while playing Everquest, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Counter-Strike, Diablo 2 to are:
Lost Souls - Tupac
Starin' Through My Rear View - Tupac
No Surrender - Bone Thugs N Harmony
Spray Yourself - Yukmouth
We Gone Ride - Yukmouth Ft. Outlawz
Loyalty - Tha Outlawz
It's in My Blood - Yukmouth
Notorious Thugs - Notorious B.I.G. Ft. Bone Thugs N Harmony
Thug Luv - Tupac Ft. Bone Thugs N Harmony

some people will use a real life name while playing everquest, and if you do a search on their name thru google some name definition websites will say what the name's origin is and you can tell what race they are in real life:
Europeans: Italian, German, Anglo-Saxon (Yankee, British, Confederate, Anglo-Australian, Anglo-New Zealander, Anglo-South African, Anglo-Canadian), French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Russian, Irish, Austrian, Scottish, Welsh, Portuguese, Swiss
Asians: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Laotian, Cambodian, Hmong, Thai, Mein, Mongolian, Native-American, Eskimo, Inuit, Aleut
Black Hispanics: Puerto-Ricans, Cubans, Dominicans, Brazilians
Non-Black Hispanics: Mexicans, El Salvadoreans, Colombians
Hindus: Indians, Bengalis, Nepalese
Polynesian: Samoan, Tongan
Middle Easterners: Arabs, Persians, Jews
Blacks: Somali, Haitian

African-Americans, Jamaicans, and British Blacks have Anglo-Saxon names.

Everquest races represent a real life race, not because the game developers lack creativity, but because everquest was put out by the Central Intelligence Agency and the CIA is all about brain washing, cover up, dumbing down, deception, and lies. The CIA are rogues, where as the military = melee dps, missles and bombs = ranged dps, war vehicles = warriors/death knights/paladins, medics/doctors in the military = healers, navy seals/delta force = bards, the US media = enchanters because they are crowd control and they mezmerize mass groups which is brain washing and they debuff other people and create illusions of themselves which is propaganda.

Necromancer's dots = AIDs, syphilis. Wizard = nuclear missles. Magician = bomber. Magician's pet = fighter jet.

Everquest = used to distract people from finding out about HAARP. HAARP is a secret weather manipulating system.

Human = Anglo-Saxons. Qeynos Humans = Yankees. Freeport Humans = Confederates. High Pass/High Keep Humans = British.
Barbarian = Norweigians
Erudite = African-Americans

Gnome = Welsh
Halfling = Irish
Dwarf = Scottish

Dark Elf = Japanese. Japan is the land of the rising sun and Japanese favor light over darkness and light skin over dark skin, that's why Neriak is dark, and dark elves are dark skin.
Troll = Italian. Alot of Italians are pretty boys that favor light skin, good looking faces, and pretty boy hair cuts. So that's why trolls are the most ugly.
Ogre = German. Ogres are neanderthals and the German Nazis believed that all other races on this planet are sub-human neanderthals and that only Germans were human.

Half Elf = Spanish
High Elf = French
Wood Elf = Polish

Froglok = Filipinos. The reason why Guk is called Guk, a racist term, is because Filipinos don't want to be asian, Filipinos are wannabe white when they're not white.
Kobold = Arabs
Goblin = Hispanics. High Keep goblins = Cubans because of the Cuban missle crisis. Runnyeye goblins = Puerto Ricans. Permafrost goblins = Mexicans.
Gnoll = Native American
Fire Giant = Saudis
Ice Giant = Turks
Hill Giant = Israelis
Sand Giant = Algerians
Mistmoore Dark Elves = South Koreans. South Koreans and Japanese get along with each other, Japanese just don't get along with other Asian races.
Vampires in Mistmoore = North Koreans
Solb Dragon and Permafrost dragon = Jew

Hate = China
Fear = Russia
Air = Iran

key binds:
move foreward - W
move backwards - S
strafe left - A
strafe right - D
hotkey 1 - 2 - taunt
hotkey 2 - 3 - sense heading (remove sense heading from this hotkey once it gets maxed)
hotkey 3 - 4
hotkey 4 - E
hotkey 5 - 5
hotkey 6 - R - harm touch
hotkey 7 - T
hotkey 8 - F
hotkey 9 - C - /loc macro
hotkey 10 - V - /corpse macro
castgem 1 - F1
castgem 2 - F2
castgem 3 - F3
castgem 4 - F4
castgem 5 - F5
castgem 6 - F6
castgem 7 - F7
castgem 8 - F8
castgem 9 - F9
autorun - X
jump - tab
autoattack - Q
target nearest NPC - capslock
sit/stand - space
take a screenshot - print screen
toggle inventory window - I

shadow knight spells

Level 9
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Disease Cloud Single Target Disease DoT (Max: 60) Con. Vendor. 10
Invisibility versus Undead Self Only Invisibility to the Undead Div. Vendor. 40
Leering Corpse Summons a Skeleton Pet Con. Vendor. 40
Lifetap Single Target Lifetap (Max: 5) Alt. Vendor. 9
Locate Corpse Find a Lost Corpse Div. Vendor. 5
Sense the Dead Locate Nearest Undead Creature Div. Vendor. 5
Siphon Strength Single Target Strength Tap (Max: 10) Alt. Vendor. 5

Level 15
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Bone Walk Summons a skeleton pet. Con. Vendor. 80
Clinging Darkness Single Target Disease Snare DoT (Max: 30) Alt. Vendor. 20
Endure Cold Single Target Cold Resistance Buff (Max: 20) Abj. Vendor. 20
Fear Single Target Fear Spell (Max: 18 Secs) Alt. Vendor. 40
Lifespike Single Target Lifetap (Max: 11) Alt. Vendor. 18
Numb the Dead Single Target Frenzy Range Reducer Abj. Vendor. 20
Shadow Step Self Only Random Teleport Alt. Vendor. 10

Level 22
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Convoke Shadow Summons a skeleton pet. Con. Vendor. 120
Dark Empathy Single Target Reverse Lifetap (Max: 30) Alt. Vendor. 20
Deadeye Self Only See Invisible, Infravision Div. Vendor. 35
Engulfing Darkness Single Target Magical Snare DoT (Max: 110) Con. Vendor. 60
Grim Aura Attack rating is increased. (7 - 22) Post-Vel. Alt. Vendor 25
Spook the Dead Single Target Undead Fear (Max: 18 Secs) Alt. Vendor. 10
Vampiric Embrace Self Only Lifetap Proc (Max: 31) Alt. Vendor. 30
Ward Undead Single Target Undead Direct Damage (Max: 41) Evo. Vendor. 30

Level 29
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Strengthen Death Pet Only Melee Buff Alt. E. Com. 50

Level 30
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Endure Disease Single Target Disease Resistance Buff (Max: 20) Abj. Vendor. 20
Feign Death Self Only Fake Death Abj. Vendor. 60
Gather Shadows Self Only Invisibility Div. Vendor. 35
Heat Blood Single Target Fire Based DoT (Max: 170) Alt. Vendor. 72
Lifedraw Single Target Lifetap Spell (Max: 45) Alt. Vendor. 63
Restless Bones Summons a Skeleton Pet Con. Vendor. 160
Wave of Enfeeblement Point Blank AE Strength Debuff Alt. Vendor. 40

Level 39
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Animate Dead Summons a Skeleton Pet Con. Vendor. 200
Cancel Magic Single Target Magical Debuffer (Max: 2) Abj. Vendor. 30
Expulse Undead Single Target Undead Direct Damage (Max: 94) Evo. Vendor. 60
Heart Flutter Single Target Disease Debuff DoT (Max: 144) Alt. Vendor. 80
Resist Cold Single Target Cold Resistance Buff (Max: 40) Abj. Vendor. 50
Shadow Vortex Single Target AC Tap (Max: 12) Abj. Vendor. 40
Shroud of Hate Single Target ATK Drain (Max: 20) Vel. Alt. NPC Drop. 60
Shieldskin Self Only Protective Skin Spell (Max: 55) Abj. Vendor. 41

Level 49
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Breath of the Dead Self Only Enduring Breath Alt. Vendor. 45
Dismiss Undead Single Target Undead Only Direct Damage (Max: 162) Evo. Vendor. 90
Dooming Darkness Single Target Magical Snare DoT (Max: 300) Con. Vendor. 120
Invoke Fear Single Target Fear Spell (Max: 42 Secs) Alt. Vendor. 120
Life Leech Single Target Lifetap Spell (Max: 280) Alt. Quest. 315
Shadow Sight Self Only Ultravision Div. Vendor. 50
Summon Dead Summons a Skeleton Pet Con. Vendor. 290
Word of Spirit Point Blank Area Magical Direct Damage (Max: 104) Evo. Vendor. 133

Level 50
Spell Name Spell Description Era Class Location Mana
Shroud of Pain Single Target AC Lifetap (Max: 18) Vel. Alt. NPC Drop. 100

shadow knight abilities

Combat Skills
Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No 1 Hand Blunt 200 225
1 No 1 Hand Slashing 200 225
1 No 2 Hand Blunt 200 225
1 No 2 Hand Slashing 200 225
1 No Archery 75 75
1 No Bind Wound 100 210 (200?)
1 No Defense 200 230
1 No Hand to Hand 100 100
1 No Harm Touch 200 200
1 No Offense 200 225
1 No Piercing 200 225
1 Yes Taunt 180 180
6 Yes Bash 175 200
10 Yes Dodge 125 155
17 Yes Parry 175 205
20 Yes Double Attack 200 235
30 Yes Riposte 175 200
40 Yes Disarm 70 70

Casting Skills
Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
9 Yes Abjuration 235 235
9 Yes Alteration 235 235
9 No Channeling 200 220
9 Yes Conjuration 235 235
9 Yes Divination 235 235
9 Yes Evocation 235 235
12 Yes Meditate 185 235

Miscellaneous Skills
Level Trained Skill Cap Until 50 Cap Above 50
1 No Alcohol Tolerance 200 200
1 No Beg 200 200
1 No Fishing 200 200
1 No Sense Heading 200 200
1 Yes Swimming 200 200
35 Yes Hide 75 75

Misc. Info

Shadow Knight - Str/Sta Plate - Tank/Melee Dps/Dotter/Movement Slower
Warrior - Str/Sta Plate - Tank/Melee Dps
Paladin - Str/Sta Plate - Tank/Melee Dps/Stunner

Cleric - Wis Plate - Healer/Buffer/Rezzer/Ranged Dps
Druid - Wis Leather - Healer/Ranged Dps/Damage Shield/Buffer/Snarer/Sower
Shaman - Wis Chain - Healer/Ranged Dps/Buffer/Sower

Melee Dps:
Ranger - Str/Sta Chain - Melee Dps/Damage Shield/Sower
Monk - Str/Sta Leather - Puller/Melee Dps
Rogue - Str/Sta Chain - Melee Dps/Cr

Ranged Dps:
Wizard - Int Cloth - Ranged Dps/Teleporter/Evacuator
Necromancer - Int Cloth - Ranged Dps/Cr
Magician - Int Cloth - Debuffer/Ranged Dps

Mezzer/Haste/Mana Regen:
Enchanter - Int Cloth - Haste/Mana Regen/Mezzer/Slower
Bard - Str/Sta Plate - Mana Regen/Haste/Mezzer/Melee Dps

ideal group for need before greed groups:

Tank: Shadow Knight > Paladin > Warrior
Healer: Cleric
Dps 1: Rogue > Ranger
Dps 2: Monk
2nd healer: Shaman > Druid
Mezzer/Haste/Mana Regen: Enchanter

if no enchanter available then get a 3rd dps which would either be Wizard > Magician > Necromancer

if none of the 4 cloth users are available, then get the other mezzer/haster/mana regener which would be a bard, and the tank and the mezzer/haster/mana regener has to do competing need rolls on sta/str plate drops.

tank gets all the Str/Sta plate and 2h sword/mace drops and the group greed rolls on the Str/Sta plate and 2h sword/mace drops that the tank doesn't need.

healer gets all the Wis plate that drops and the group greed rolls on the Wis plate drops that the healer doesn't need.

if dps 1 is a rogue then dps 1 gets all the sta/str chain and 1h swords/axes/piercing weapons that drops and the group greed rolls on the sta/str chain and 1h swords/axes/piercing weapons drops that dps 1 doesn't need. if dps 1 is a ranger then dps 1 gets all the sta/str chain and 1h swords/axes/piercing weapons that drops and the group greed rolls on the sta/str chain and 1h swords/axes/piercing weapons drops that dps 1 doesn't need.

dps 2 gets all the sta/str leather, non-wis 1h and non-wis 2h maces that drops and the group greed rolls on the sta/str leather, non-wis 1h and non-wis 2h maces drops that dps 2 doesn't need.

if the 2nd healer is a shaman then the 2nd healer gets all the wis chain that drops and the group greed rolls on the wis chain that the 2nd healer doesn't need. if the 2nd healer is a druid then the 2nd healer gets all the wis leather that drops and the group greed rolls on the wis leather that the 2nd healer doesn't need.

mezzer/haste/mana regen buffer "or" dps 3 gets all the int cloth that drops and the group greed rolls on the int cloth drops that the mezzer/haste/mana regen buffer "or" dps 3 doesn't need.

if there's a warrior, ranger, and/or bard in the same group, then the warrior, ranger, and/or bard do competing need rolls on the 1h swords/axes if they all need them.

if there's a warrior (tank), ranger (which is dps 1), monk (dps 2), and/or bard (mezzer/haster/mana regener) in the same group, then dps 2 gets first need priority on 1h mace drops. then the tank, dps 1, and mezzer/haster/mana regener do competing need rolls on 1h mace drops that dps 2 doesn't need if the tank, dps 1, and mezzer/haster/mana regener all need them.

healer 1 and healer 2 do a competing need roll on 1h main wis and off hand 1h wis items if they both need them.

class specific gear goes to the person of that class if that person needs the item, if not then just greed roll on it if it's droppable.

leave unneeded no-drop gear on the mob's corpse and tell friends and guild mates about the rotting no-drop gear, if they need it and they're close to the zone, they will most likely run over to get the rotting no-drop item.

Sta/Str plate: Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin vs Bard > Cleric > greed roll
Sta/Str chain: Rogue/Ranger > Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin vs Bard > greed roll
Sta/Str leather: Monk > Rogue/Ranger > Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin vs Bard > greed roll
Wis plate: Cleric > Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin vs Bard > greed roll
Wis Chain: Shaman > Cleric > greed roll
Wis Leather: Druid > Shaman > Cleric > greed roll
Int Cloth: Wizard/Magician/Necromancer/Enchanter > greed roll

2h swords/axes: Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin > greed roll
2h maces: Monk > Warrior/Shadow Knight/Paladin > greed roll
1h swords/axes: Warrior vs Ranger vs Bard > Rogue > greed roll
1h non-wis maces: Monk > Warrior vs Ranger vs Bard > Rogue > greed roll
1h piercing weapons: Rogue > Warrior vs Ranger vs Bard > greed roll

1h wis main hand: Cleric vs Druid/Shaman > greed roll
1h wis off hand: Cleric vs Druid/Shaman > greed roll

1h int main hand: Wizard/Magician/Necromancer/Enchanter > greed roll
1h int off hand: Wizard/Magician/Necromancer/Enchanter > greed roll

1h str/sta shield: Paladin > Cleric vs Shaman/Druid > greed roll

stat point allocation:

Tank classes put 25 stats into str, then the remaining 5 into sta

Melee Dps classes and Bard put 25 stats into str, then the remaining 5 into dex

Healer classes put 25 stats into wis, then the remaining 5 into str

Ranged Dps classes and Enchanter put 25 stats into int, then the remaining 5 into str

if you only get 25 extra stat points or less, then just dump them all into: str if you're a tank class/melee dps class/bard, wis if you're a healer class, or int if you're a ranged dps class/enchanter.

leveling up from 1 to 50:

level 1-5 solo
level 6-10 duo
level 11-20 group of 3
level 21-30 group of 4
level 31-40 group of 5
level 41-50 group of 6

gearing up for plane of hate/fear/air/fire giants/and 2 dragons

entire dead side lower guk = 3 groups (18 players total) of level 50s
entire live side of lower guk = 3 groups (18 players total) of level 50s
entire kobold area of solusek b = 3 groups (18 players total) of level 50s
entire bug and bat area of solusek b = 3 groups (18 players total) of level 50s

6 groups (36 players total) of dungeon geared level 50s = clear fear + kill fire giants and solb dragon

6 groups (36 players total) of dungeon geared level 50s = clear hate + kill permafrost female dragon

once fully fear, hate, fire giant, and 2 dragon geared then all 12 groups (72 players total) move onto plane of air
Last edited by E.B.K. BLUUHD; 03-07-2012 at 08:16 PM..

Shadowknight levelling guide - Project 1999 (2024)
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