The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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20 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 30 1960 Over the Counter Market STATISTICS New York Stocks MIDWEST stnck (Continued rom Prpredinr Pace) DOW JONES 1U 10Yr bought Not a les t8 Corporate Bonds Local Banks 70 50a Bid Asked Banks Other 0 Stucks 11 BONDS 11 75 Mutuals til 10 15 6 1400 1400 ACTIVE Insurance Stocks 44 Axe 25 10 39 98 52 Stock 273 6 82 35 9 98 3 48 Stock 5549 12 47 Industrial Stocks 44 Bid Asked 30 PlnerAIrcraft onr 111 31) 13061112 26 3 09053 6 14 Z130 12 0 AVAILABLE BY DECEMBER 1st 10000 SQUARE EET OICE 22 962 1054 18 76 76 62 10 10 103 46 88 8s4 i 7 14 Asked 74 7 90 94 10 26ft 26: 59 95 36 94 ll 10 Produce NorthropCoro 5 4 74 29 RohrAfrc 31 293 4 31 'Net Loss 10 mi 13531503 32 1 PREERRED SCOTCH AT 120a 6 29 Un 16 9 91 2580 YEN A BOTTLE 37 37 4M 28 33 29 69 26 5 19 8 0 Toronto Stocks icnahj 482 70 ctns 12 Size A 813 In Japan and from Australia On the Waterfront to Zanzibar Grand Macnish is an honored name in Scotch Try it! of were: in Dock Grand OCR I $11 Goff Kirby Imported Scotch Whisky in the Dimpled Decanter No ships cleared Cleveland yesterday Shopping Centers Chicago Board of Trade BLENDED SCOTCH WHISKY 86 PROO IMPORTED BY JAS BARCLAY CO LTD DETROIT MICHIGAN Port Lists Cluae Low 2 02 IP Collingwood 188 11 3 113 PORT tP Tuesday 107 107 10:30 Britons Planning 1 1 6 116 Blue River PORT 2193 a Credit Bureau 2 21 24 5 216 10'5t 1120 SNO TIRE SALE JE1 DOWN AM Lowest Prices Ever Euclid Gets GE Tinstone Rolling Mill Plan TIRES They all add up to 1595 60013 TUBtLESS of HUS EXCHANGE Wire COMPACT CAR affiliated HEADQUARTERS Lamb Reports Rati cries Progress in Deal Wife BARGAINS IN ALL SIZES EASY NO INANCE CO 4 SPECIAL MANUACTURING COMPANY Genera! Offices: Cleveland 10 Ohio fW 19 16 lQYt 13 103 10 Pnndoc Westdale Redrivcr 23 13 24 5 13 7 10 9 11 6 3 19 2 102 102 100 21 34 80 8 108 15 TEx Divid nd XMRrrk NatlTile 4 5 39 49 63 23 23 20 14 32 9s 50 2y Capital CeniNat Cle' eT Saskatoon Holloway McKee SonsHennepin 4 1 13 820 9 69 879 lb 276 40 10 10 1 960 highs I960 lows 46 3 4 5U 64 24 82 50 63 4 25 37 28 223 225 114 8 3 55 71 100 200 100 100 1OO 1500 400 700 100 Advances Declines Unchanged 351200 108400 29000 488600 102 108 8 10 30 TransInland Paterson 19 20 19 9 393i 3 1 23 10 89 15 31 16 49 28 19 3:30 10:13 85 9 16 81 60 6 1 6 114 113 1 02 108 39 7 9 345 3:50 Hudson Westmount Morrow 16 3H 26 32200 30100 20000 17600 15800 47 8 210 6 zlO 47 Oil 317 48 59 10:15 10:24 PM 3:45 1346 14 16 96500 75600 74700 54700 52900 46800 42700 37 900 32900 31300 15 26 11 18 50 63 23 cv pf3 pf2 16060 Z2(XI 13 4 12 8 34 99 49 101 9 Hy ord Thunder Bay Mohawk McLagan fAlpena 14 27 "PLEDGED TO AIR DEALING1 zllO 10 133 21 Air 1b Auto 14 Mary 180 Pae 1 Elmdale Newbrundoc Wave Transport Lachinedoc Westcliffe Hall Menlhek Lake Year Ago 3988860 752041546 8089000 14 43 1 8 10 z20 Last 14 62 13 37 2037 925 2311 21 47 39 Sales 2105 PacPetrl 200 Rnyalite 1378 Sherrilt 9600 SteepRk 1250 TriadOll 7 1 00 UnitAsb 458 unltKeno 304 5 Ventir 1100 WCdnOH 5:35 10:55 98 751' Bld 1 0 1 6 24 33 52 30 3 65 4 108 115 834 16 49 26 1634 2 00 30 300 500 950 1 O0 1200 Look for this Sell 3C 90 72 GProd 6U Sul 1 Ins rCO 120 PLTr 40e A Par Ry 3 Util 192 2G 46 50 86 42 705 771 10fi3 117 1 923 1015 39 31 70 39 18 10 25 7 22 470 508 805 PurchBes 398942 7 202 186 189 23 4 19 3662 3862 3645 3645 69 74 20 R15 94 1036 19 30 31 70 719 786 2025 2025 Unavailab 1850 19875 1215 1328 1541 16 7 48 44 12 55 R3 20 10 11 74 44 16 15 4 40 35 40 202 186 189 bkts 1 75 13 IS 60 49 108 115 216 220 224 226 216 88 20 102 Last 925 575 3 00 650 11 66 20 59 61 50 51 19 23 16 5 200 204 20138 18 5 183 40 163 13 A Stk 78 2 8 54 12 109 845 2 48 1834 2010 1031 1119 10971108 856 9 30 13 1357 73 798 24 9 12 4 17 7 34 1 26 21 9O 1 37 22 19 30 62 20 21 46 40 13 39 21 49 86 41 94 46 38 7 37 24 34 18 3'1) 1488 0042 16 5 57 61 232 239 317 1170 159b J8 42 30 49 48 62 146300080 44267524 33 36 22 31 Sales Hckv i 57 62 64 64 64 34 6 20U 1 00 100 300 7(JO 2UU 1190 7U0 1O0 Net Cinsr ute 17 34 26 21 26 143 56U 931 21 24 38 25 37 6 39 76 118 7 3 4 96 1 82 AkronBr Ciriitf pf do pf Grief SrDru? Inilxike Short £les 3068 31 29 40 23' 25 163 2 2 1 45 ner share) 30) 43 16 15 32 16 83 58 1264 13b1 627 67S 18 64 26 46 39 52b 11 4 96 90 8734 453a 3334 3) 37 20 30 23 40 22 76 23 Erie Ore City Dock Case Street 68 8S 831 28 3D 100 058 34 31 4 0 39 22 75 22 76 26 36 39 53 10 1500 15875 1070 1170 1687 1841 18 15 16 553 31 37U 91 57 62 64 64 64 35 4 26 47 AM 12:00 12:00 12:00 PM 1:00 2:30 40 31 17 34 35 40 Ctohe Clue 60240 303 12937 021 9557 0 07 20071 0 68 50 29 7 McLagan ernie A rance Sir Thomas Shaughnessy American American American 16 lor 153 44 17 8 34' 26 ft 43 92 92 85 7 3 Total Issues new New 29 41 "i Z30 10 ZbO Mar May Julv 40 oqx 23 69 425 Industrials 25 Pallroads 5n utilities 500 Mocks 11 25 Un Ind pf 425 unitMiAM la Un Mtn unti 1 hi Unit Snoe pil0 US Borax 15c USBurax pl 150 US orS 120 US reight 2 USGvpsum 240a 12 ub yp pi Us Hoff 75t us US US US US 58 63 65 64 64 1 28 Z160 12 102 100 62 47 34 11 Continl 27 NatlUlty 7R 54 34 ISO 58 762 SS8 669 632 792 21 45 40 13 27 18 4 9 331 '51 62 60 124 281 73 48 62 0 24 31 16 4 44 13 16 19 Asked 13 1 7 16' 39 39 33 12 i 60 64 0 12 0 89 1 15 14 0 23 3 0 ft 1 124 1 1 AetnaC Aetna I ketnaLif Am Eq AmiAC AmlnNJ AmRe In ConGL 398 confine ircS rankiiL GenRei 116 Jlen 33 "ttAmlns 443 Hanoverl 43 Kromrx LeasePl LestEng MaeoCh McNeil Mohawk MoMark 27 MorgaE 14 NatCleve 1 Nat Ker NatScrw 42 1028 1123 Ou 349 725 567 752 best msflv 195 ctns 10 films 2" up RDel 4 15 16 53 31 3) 91 Sales 500 1400 Cas Asb 2798 ConSm 3580 DenMin 3 700 ElderMln 102 2MJ5 raiconb 875 Gunnar 610 Hollin? 55 Iabradr 395 Norand 103 108 112 5:25 5:55 10:20 1 A 58 19 23 19 15 18 Caulklns Hay 30 20 15 Bld Ask 20b 229 710 76a Int Reniir 527 576 inv cuAm Inves Bos Lnv Resch Istel Juhnstn 15 STOCKS Wern Conbitu tionTate Tug Gnode Manske fHolloway American Stock Exchange! Pularad KI Loral El new Ogden Gp Anaron Ld Gt Am Ind 28 33 15 65 27 Net Hfzh Low 'lose Uhff 60 64 2 89 19 9 63 5is 15 16 53 31 37 91 25 41 ilia 152 Holloway Northcliff Hall Wyandotte Gulf Transport Laketon Patterson Seaway Queen 1000 Tuesday AM 12:30 1:00 Hartfdi 54 Tomi NY 5 8 LlncNL 222 MassBon 39 Monuml 53 Wire xatunbi Pacinde Phoenix stdAcciu Tra US us US US US 33 52 30 4 6 18 41 30 96 82 37 91 19'1 33 29 24 40 21 50 86 Monday JU 5: 15 6:22 9:40 37 27 55 30 78 57 49 87 Tuesday AM 1:35 8:40 6 32 25 4 6 10 21 7 37 94 1719 18 5h 1224 1323 1199 1315 669 731 1304 1110 1551 1678 999 1092 858 940 921 996 1420 1552 1072 1159 1233 1348 1003 1096 868 943 951 1034 1531 1664 1880 2043 803 873 1392 1505 1700 1850 51 16 69 37 53 40 Monday PM 23 bn Knick Gth 640 701 lizard Lcxingt Life lnv Life Stk lxm SCa Loom Say El El Stl St! Cn Dnt 180b 4 Mnt Sew Sew sew 985 1077 1100 1202 1162 1270 3377 3445 1320 1320 Underwd Un Un BacCP Carbide 3bU Elec 180 El pf 450 El pf 35U OU cal 2 Pae 120a Un Prc pf Un Tank Un Twist Unit AirLin Unit Air 2 Un Artists 160 Unit Rise SO Unit BdfrC 1 TTmt Carbon 2b UnCarr 120a United Cp 10c Unit ElCoal 160 Unit Eng la Unit ruit 62e Un Gas Cp 150 Un Green! 110 UnitlndCp 15p 200 202 Jv 201 3550 755 2025 1852 4100 21 33 93 14 1ft 22 5b 58 63 65 64 64 ABk 120 42 12 0 112 pf3SU pf5 140 Open High Munday PM 4:20 550 6:50 7:05 8:35 8:50 AXLE DIVISION Cleveland Onto 5 8 AM 2:15 4:35 5:00 6:45 52 0 See Listing In the Yellow Pages on Pages 683 and 814 CLEVELAND SOCIETY of PROESSIONAL PHOfOGRAPHERS Admiral AuvanR AkiunBr 60a Alcoa 90e AmAIrl 1 AmMhdy 160 AmMot 1 AmStand 80 AmTob 230 ArmcoS 3 Baldi 60 BdSllanBl 4a 70 Bcnguet Booth lb BorgWar 2 Biuuswic 80 BuddCo 1 CdnExGO Celanese 120 ChcsOh 4 ChlSSh ConEd 120b Contain 1 DowC 14Ob HastAiri GenEloc GenTEl Goodvr 90b GLDred 160a Heileman 1 HelnWn 13r IllBrtck 160a lllCent 2 InlandSt 160 Interiss 2 IntPaper 315b 100 neiinecoitbe Martln2 NatTlle4Oa NAAvia2 51 16 67 36 53 40 21 9 103 14 64 5S7 31 792 620 8 922 82 50 51 95 26 47 39 SPRING DIVISION Detroit Michigan EATON AUTOMOTIVE CANADA LIMITED London Ontario 4 7 62 24 5 76 So also in the fields of plastics powdered metals forgings permanent mold castings special steels stampings springs and complex assemblies the interchange of technical and manufacturing know how adds to the quality of all Eaton products PUMP DIVISION Marshall Michigan VEMCO ELECTRIC DOOR OPERATORS Commercial or Retidenliel Sectional high lift vertical lift steel curtain fire and swing doors gtes and hoists ESTIMATES ON ALL TYRES THE VILLAGE ElEClRONICS IV 1 8724 615 675 1181 1293 1172 1283 835 973 731 693 350 10010 100 ()3 103 103 i Oil 300 200 883 HEATER DIVISION Cleveland Ohio 40 160 120a 50b 178b 1933 404 442 570 623 195 213 1052 1143 572 631 268 295 897 983 1702 150 115 9 5885 2897 104 153 6 36 36 LONDON (A1) Seven of Brit biggest finance companies announced plans to set up a nationwide credit bureau to beat the dead beats The move was prompted by a rising curve in the number of installment buying default ers An official of one finance company said the situation was worse than at any time since the depression of the 30s Ian MacDonald chairman of Lloyds Scottish inance and spokesman for the seven com pany group said the eventual intention is to give a credit rat ing to everybody in Britain People who have a record of de faulting on installments will then be put on a cash only basis As a first step the group is buving up Gazette a twice a month magazine which compiles the names and ad dresses of Britons who have been taken to court because of bad debts Its files already list 55 million persons J363 14 74 Inves 916oin Shrs 13691369 Trust 295 321 WSec 1967 2128 Imes 11081522 1959 $30726 134 3 80 278200(1 300 31 8R' bb 8 27 10 45 ATOM TKHNKAl Cieveand the resulting benefits reach right down to the ultimate user or example several of our Divisions make products in which gears are com ponents The pooled skills and experience of our five gear producing Divisions are reflected in these products assuring dependable performance and long service life 2011 son 2 no loo 800 100 3 no 200 600 1300 100 i idn 250 150 100 500 100 50 Net Close Chj 59 22 23 RONT END ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING 27' 23 fill 26 36A 14 10 25 29 We invite von to see our extensive range of per sonal executive gift sug gestions Drop in browse around 'Tuesday riday till 9 VALVE DIVISION Battle Creek Michigan The Eaton Manufacturing Company is a closely knit family of Divisions and Subsidiaries a kinship that opens doors to a free exchange of ideas experience skills and research accomplish ments throughout the whole organization Each Division adds its special abilities to the achieve ment of ever finer product quality CLEVELAND WORM GEAR DIVISION Cleveland Ohio EATON 16 nil z9n 5 127U J3S0 695 760 1086 1180 1336 1460 1521 1653 38b 506 331 837 10 300 1OO 100 100 20070 50 85 90 85 8412 10 2511 Aberdeen Atfil Am Bus Am lnv Am Mut Am Res 2125 2275 Asso Atom Phys Axe Axe 13 43 6 33 36 119 118 ih 37 56 ft 54 Servomechanism 771000 (9 months rndt f)t( AssucDryG ods 4500 ono 223 (9 froniht ended Oct Reliabkbi rsCp 38 667366 (Quarter ended Sept DayWnPwAL'ht 1494000 Bid Asked 8 6 61 30 13 41 42 151 151 34 26 17 71 Stanrsy 1 Starrett St) Stauff Ch lSObxd Steri Drui? lbO Stevens JP 150 Slew War 140 Sttx BA: 120 Stoke Van 60b Stoke pt 1 Stone A 3 Storer Rrd 180 Stud rack Stud Pack Stud Park pt SuburbGns 80 Suburb Prup 1 Sun Chem 60 Sun Ch pf 450 Sun Oil lb Sunbeam 140a sundstrand lb Snnrav 132 Sunray pf A 112 Sunray 2 pf 165 Sunsh Bis 4 10 Knnch Mn 20 SupOilCal 750e z310 Snt co iwia Sym Way 80 Talcott I SO Tandy Cp Telautocr Tenn Cp 140h Tenn Gas 112 Texaco 260a Tex Tran 150 Tex Tex Tex Tex Tex Tex Tex Textron 125 Thatch G1 110 Thiokol 62t Thomn RW Tidewat Oil Tide Oil Pf TimkRRpar Tish Real 50b Toledo Ed 70 Torrins Co 160a Trac Sup A 1 Trane 90 Tran Air Transamer 80 Transitron 'Tri Cont 90e Tri Cont pf270 Truax Tra 160 Tuns: Sol 140 Twent Cen 160 Twin city 2 Twin Coach TXL Oil 17 T7 26 27 405 i 835 2837 are ii pOWDERE( METALS Codwater Mchi 1 1:30 Tuesday A Stewart 4: 1 0 tsparten Huron 4:25 A rtPISS tHenneptn 13 10 119 11 95 12 23 NAmCl NA Van NOhTel NorwTr OgleNor OhinCnk Ohioor OhLeath OhinSav OhloWS Osborn PackCA ParkDr ParkH Parsons Pcndleto PentPub PcpslBot PLamp pojrue rPremie ProvLife RandDe adExA Sawhill SchoizII OMSiott Scott Av ScottA' Smucker 1 SPStl teellmp Stouffer StrCobb SwanRu TaftBrd TappanS Techno TexEast ThermD Tinnerm ToledoS Towmot TrPipe TroxelM Unilev Un in UnMetal UTexNG USTruc UnUtllls Upson Wai 8 diff yiVi Vector Vernor Jim Walt WRLife YubaCn PHOTOGRAPHY BY PROESSIONALS Skilled Accredited Spedaliits 20 ten shares or sales Edward Lamb chairman of Lamb Industries Inc of Toledo reports very satisfactory ini tial to his offer to buy 15000 common shares of Sciberling Rubber Co Lamb is offering a share for the stock The expiration date is Dec 20 and applies to shareholders of record Nov 1 The stock traded at $1212 on the New York stock exchange yesterday up $175 from Mon day's close Lamb said he did not intend to conduct a proxy fight for control of the He en gaged in a proxy fight in 1956 ULLER do BRASIL anto Andre Brazil ARVAl DIVISION Cleveland Ohio UNIT DROP ORGE Milwaukee Wisconsin DYNAMITIC DIVISION Kenosha Wiscon sin Ipe few 135 150: 10 sks cins 12 31 films 115 125 PARSNIPS' 8 qt bkts 75 100 1: lilms 125 150 PClTATORfl Rnd WhlfM US1 50J sks unwshd 130 135 ushd 140 150: 25 sks unwshd 7Oc: wshd 75c SQUASH: 16 qt bkts Butternut med lse 75 100: Hubbard per lb 3 4c: 50r sks 125 1 75 TOMATOES: 8 lb hkts md 275: ctns 10 14 oz fks 5s 300: 6s 275 i ASHTABULA I 8 lb bkts med 275 TURNIPS 8 ql bkts tpd 65 85c ctns 12 1: film? 115 125 WATERCRESS: 8 qt bkts 15 bunches 175 200: mstly 1 75 la Gth la Al ut End Mut nk Com nk Pf und lnv Gen Can Gen Inves GROI SE Auto Av A El Bldg Cap Gr Chem Com St oixi ul Ad Gen Rd Ind Meh fnst Rd Merch Mining Petrol RR Rd RR Eq RR St Steel Tobac Utilit Grth Ind Guardn Ham he 7 492 538 uam naa Haydock Imp Cap Inc Yid Inc Rost Incorp Inc InrorD lnv SHRS: ound 1022 1118 Grwth 10241120 Income 607 665 DILI TH Tuesday: Cambria 400 light ARRIVED Tuesday: A Reiss stone Tuesday: A Reiss light BUALO Monday: Ingalls autos Richardson scrap Avondale grain Monday Boland Ingalls Taplan Robinson light ARRIVED Tuesday: None CLEARED Tuesday: None 640 553 362 915 916 1001 1326 1141 1408 1535 15 17s 50 29 63 3 15 41 23 81 35 22 17 180 26 SouthwPubServ 10924933 13 (10 monlhvfnderf (nt 6690 373 (0 months rndrd Sept RntanylndnU 2035000 1 12 39 29 59 EATON SA Sao Paulo Brazil 8:00 9:15 1 1:45 PM 2:00 2:00 Scud Stk Seiec Am Sharhid Smith Ed Unavailab Sw Inves 1333 1431 Sover lnv 1323 1451 state st Stein Stein Stk 2S85 Sterl lnv 1119 1210 hl Texas Twns Gfrth 609 665 TwenC Gth 719 786 LN 11 1 I A ecu Cont Incom Scion Un Cn Vai Line Vai Inc Vai Spl WallSt In Waxh Mut Well Eq Well Whitehll Winfield Wiscon 10 28 33 Aft 27 14 HEADQUARTERS OR EXECUTIVE GITS 60 50a 75 HE 1 1700 Corner 46th PROSPECT 3 31' 99 49A zinO 101 14 RELIANCE DIVISION Massillon Ohio Low 59903 12860 95 03 19957 Steel 3 Steel pf7 Tub 1 20a Tob pfl75 Vitam 60 Whelan 50a 12V 15R 1 26 Nationality American AVAILAiLE Conveyor ond Material Handlinq ENGINEER Eitr isive back round in etlintlne levcut equipment end devel opment Rrnly Bill 24870 Plain Dealer 22'4 31'4 7 16 Hi 42 7 37' 321 Exclusive location available for a few selected lines Village Square serving Pep per Pike Beachwood More land and Warrensville Heights is now leasing for 60 day occupancy 1 I Sfa 63 19 80' IO Boil 64 3 55't 51 16 68 37 53 40 536 5 953 1041 203 48 846 808 887 Bid Asked 70 75 45 48 352 382 Mass Tr Mass Gth 1 160 1578 Mass Life 2107 227 Ir Mut Mut Mut Nat Nat NAT SEC Balan Bund Divid Pf Stk income Stock Grwth New Em? NY Cai) it NC Sh One WmS 1235 1335 oppen 1175 1285 enn bq Peoples Phila Pine St Pioneer TR Puritan Putnam Put Grth Quar Dist 679 742 Scud Can 12111211 Scud SC 1786 1786 871 874 887 960 1123 J227 Lf Tb Lf Pf8 Match OH Pd Pic pf125 z60 41 7 8 GUZER MJROTTJ COMPANIES 20515 Shaker Blvd Shaker Heights SK 2 3000 fQusrtrr rndt Oct naytMnabt Indus ru Ils Ullin 65 Stocks Transactions Used In Stock Averages) I rirl IS Rails Utilities 05 69 74 20 21 1 62 81063 3lt 19 SPRING PERCH COMPANY INC Lackawanna New York 5 Bld 140 It 120 2 40 We have an interesting illustrated booklet about Eaton Divisions and what they make May we send you a copy? 4S 1S4 10 17 ill Harold Bradford a vice president of Investors Diversi fied Services Inc Minneapolis has resigned that post to be come president and a director of five mutual funds with IDS They are: Investors Mutual vestors Stock und vestors Selective und Inc In vestors Variable Payment und Inc and Investors Group Ca nadian und Ltd Bradford joined IDS in 1939 Hoff pl 187p Indus! ind pf 225 Lines 2 120 Played LlOa Plywd 2 Rub 220 Rub pf8 Shoe 140a Smelt US Smell p(350 us US US US US Un Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Univ Unfohn 72 Utah PA 132xd Van Norm Van Real 120 Van Al Stl 2b Vanad Cp 40 Vari an as Vendo Co 10 Vert Sus' Va Caro Ch Va Ch pf Va EU Pw 120 Va pf5 Vulcan Max 50 Vulcan pf80 Wab RR Pfl 50 VVatrner 120 Waldorf Sys 90e Walgrcn 160 WalkcrH 110a Walworth Ward Bak 60p Ward Ind Warn Pic 120 Warner Co 1 Warn Lam 150a Warren SD 91) Wash Gas 240 Wash Wat 2 Waukesha 2a Way Knit 2 Welbilt cp 102 Pen pf UO WPenP nfCI IO Va Pulp 12 0 8 a i' pnbu west West West West WeslUn Tel 110 Westg West? West? Wheel Wheel Whirl White White White White While Windsorlnd Winn Dixie Wise El Pw 180 Wkr Rv 13n Woodward Ir 160 8 Woolwonn Worthington 25 1 Worth pfl5O Wrigley 3a Wyan Wor 50c Yale Tow 150 Younu erst Rh? 5 Ynpst Dr laxd 5 Zenith Rad 160a 37 Unit of trading trt full Rates of dividends in the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based on the last quarterly or semi annual declara tion Unless otherwise noted special or extra dividends are not included Also extra or extras Annual rate dIus stock dividend Declared or paid in 1959 plus stock dividend Declared or naid so far this 'Mr Pavahle stock during 1959 estimated cash value on ev divldend nr cx dlstribution date Paid last year Declared or paid after stock dividend nr split up De clared nr paid this vear an accumulative Issue with dividends in arrears Paid this year dividend omitted deferred or no action taken at last dividend meeting Declared or paid in I960 plus stock dividend Payable in stock during 1960 estimated cash value on ex dividend or ex distribution Liquidating divi dend 7 Called xd Ex dividend dts Ex distribution Ex rights Without warrants warrants When distributed When issued Next dav delirerv vj In bankruptcy or receivership or be ing reorganized under the Rankruntcy Act or securities assumed by such companies 1ft 0 22 58 8 0 10 4 22 5 4 1 927 886 9 72 1151 1261 1891 194? 1951 1951 Bk Am BnkrsTr ChawM ChkNY 57 Contlll 119 EmpTr 265 slNBuS 7 0 stNChi 70 The following bid and asked prices are obtained from the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc and ether sources but are unofficial They do not represent denial transaction iney are iincooea as a guine to me approximate rance wnirn rnrse treurntes cvuia nav? nren win (nicncaiea yy inc uiu orIndicated by at the time of compilation STAMPING DIVISION Cleveland Ohio 33 3 37 23 61 3 156 SUPERB LIGHTING AIR CONDITIONED ALSO 4000 SQ SPACE TOWER PRESS BUILDING 1900 SUPERIOR CALL MR HAUSER PR 1 7700 OR SEE YOUR OWN BROKER Plans are under study for the construction of a 23 26 OUNDRY DIVISION Vassar Michigan APARTMENT CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT Bullikr riptrlrnord In apartment eon stfmtion will build to our lea tiona on your land Our vipeihmrd staff can handle all inrludlnr financing construc tlon rental md manatrmpnl Take advanlare of our yearn of experience Ak for Mr Weh berg daily al Ales todor ttrolty 3308 Iain MB 1 P116 8 Resigns as IDS Veep to Head ive Mutuals ULLER MANUACTURING COMPANY Kalamazoo Michigan stNCity 75 rNatlI HannBk 51 IrvngTr 39 KlngsC 103 ManufTr 58 MrgnCu 98 USTrust 96 Wellsar 58 WHEAT Dec Mar May July Sept CORN Dec Mar May July Sept OATS Dec Mar May July Sept RYE Dec Mar May Jnlv SOYBEANS Jan 21 Other Locations Available in Brunswick Independence Mentor and Northfield NoHlGal20 1 NwBanci2O OakMfgl OhioEdl48 Ohh'Oill 60 OlinMathl PanAAirSn PcabCoal40 Pfizer 60a Phelps D3 PureOill60 RepubSt3 Richman 2 Srherins 140 SoenyR 80 1600 Spiegel 150 112 SquareD la 100 StOllOh 250 30 SwiDO 160a 500 ThomRW 140 35 tiorrii 60 Trav Ler 37t 20ASLa250a USGyps 24 0a Wtbcor WorldP 4 0b YgStShT SAGINAW DIVISION Sasmaw DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK CLOSING AVERAGES 45 43 Z39O 152 6 35 20 27 2 7P 110 140 no 36 10792527 2 042000 1 09 98546253 5 52 875 417 Scien 1113 1210 Temn 900 91 blue Kid Bost Broad St Bullock Calif Can Gen Cdn Cdn I Gth Capit Shr Cent Shr Case Chem Col Ener Colon Cwth Inc Com lnv Com Stk Comp Bd Comp Concord Cons lnv Corp Ld Crown Dpla Dele Inc tcVegh In 1624 1640 leVegh 5636 5693 Diver (ir Diver lnv 868 951 invid bhr Dreyfus Eaton Bal 1123 1201 Eaton Stk 1194 1277 Elec lnv Energy Equity Eurofd ed Grth id Cap id und id Mut 349287 31) 3024983 250 986R2M 103 3D 6 646334 30) 4252000 1 54 246245 29) 4 500 nnn 2 23 31) 427770 73 7 6 zo 36 14 1O 25 29 39 26" 98 1 75 1 60 6 44 14 SHULER AXLE COMPANY Louisville Kentucky MARION DIVISION Marton Ohio 1050 1035 1018 18 48 12 64 4 15 45 81 35 20 2 Bunds 84 41 0 13 Higher Grade Rails 8073 0 15 Second Grade Ralls 8052 0 04 Publ'c Utilities 8503 028 Industrials 9138 003 COMMODITY UTURES INDEX 14216 0 17 WHAT STOCKS DID SAULT Sir DOWN NONE 31 16 48 2 34 101 10 EATON RESEARCH CENTER Detroit Michigan BRAND NEW MERCEDES 220 and 190 SEDANS OR SALE or LEASE immediate delivery STONE BUICK and MERCEDES 250 BROADWAT BEdford 2400 MARKETS AT A GLANCE NEW YORK Lower: hcmiralt weak LOWER: utile actiitp Nov 29 1960 JOJUUUU 696251233 6340000 5 Dd'0 AMERICAN EXCHANGE Yesterday Prev Dav sales 1130000 1170000 MIDWEST EXCHANGE Yesterday Prev Day sales 105000 125000 ODD LOT TRANSACTIONS tror Nov 28) Sales 419887 42 6 33 118 1 39 91 7 60 1 RichmBrs 30 WrldPub 12 Hlch 5963 2939 4870 5621 Due today are: red A Manske II Gobefle Price McKinney There's good reading every day in the Plain Dealer 63 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR DIVISION Richmond Indiana 1 32 3 31 A 0 2 STANDARD POOR AVERAGES POOR yn0RK standard PUOR 500 stnrk index: Passages A I STK Monday PM 10:30 Tuesday AM 1 1:00 12:00 Hept of Arrtcwlture) i Nearby Produce on the Terminal Market) APPLES: Bu bkts erts USfl up Corts A Macs 250 275 RDel 275 300 few 350: Jons 250 300: up 2 250: ctns tray pk RDel A GDol 100 125S 450 500: 16 qt bkts RDel At GDcl 150 200: Rmes 150' up 2 00: var YantUPS i iou 1 MT 425 Macs Corts 275 3 00 Jons 3 325: Staymans 3 00 BEETS: 16 qt bkts tpd 85 100 CABBAGE: Dom Rnd type 24 qt bkts mpd lge 75 85c sml 40 50c used 16" erts 125 135 24 qt bkts Red Savoy 90 100 CARROTS: 16 qt bkts tpd tned 75 100 GREEN'S 24 qt bkts Kale Collards Mus taiu junnp lops doc LETTUCE: GPNHGUSE: 24 qt 110) Leaf 1 150 12 qt bkts Bibb 244: wrod 250 MINT: CRN'HOUSE: Bkts behds 15s 250 MUSHROOMS OHIO Ar PA: Prr pint 25 27c: 3 bkis sml med 110 150 PA: 9s bkts 3 75 400 culls 2 225 ONIONS: Yels med 50: sks 110 125 28 3Oc: Ship Robert Paisley 'i 10 so1' 4 5 Great Lakes and Seaway cargo vessels in the Port Cleveland yesterday Stuck pales Yr tn rttiti Rnnd sales 5 Year to date $1210261250 31438 071200 TEN MUST ACHVE STOCKS (New York Stock Exchange) Brunswick Std Oil NJ Na fl Corp Brunswick Transitron Ampex Corp Am Motors Alumin Ltd 1 XI Phil Van IVE MOST $3500000 General Electric Co rolling mill on Tungsten Road in Euclid The project is considered ten tative by General Electric ficials here until plans approved by GE board of rectors in New York The proposed plant would process missile and space metals and employ 100 to 200 persons The plant will cover 125000 square feet on an 11 acre par cel directly opposite General Electrics Tungsten Road Works plant Profit or Loss (Second line lists rarningj Tar endi Sept NAmAvtaUun $2339454 287 3523000 350 47 0 INWOrlenlAirls 272 591 414 0 3 0 DOWN Monday PM 4:30 5:35 11:00 VP Div Sales Rale act) High Low 67 310 Z150 L9 qn 19 13ty Urittkmatt (Ulrary airmount Cedar Airmount 1 2690 STOCKS High 60698 13027 0592 20203 VICTOR BODIE AirptPk Alcooil AISr Alsideln AmGreA do Amltfar Am Monr 34 Amviin Arvid a Assembl Ba th Co BestLC BlshopB Bowarer Bowman BrUhBr BkySCst Burdett CarlProd ClSecur ClTrenc CookCof Curtlnd Diebold Dl Noc ErleRests aultles 19 crryCap 3 risner laSteel oote Genl ndu Gilmore Greglnd GrowCa HalleBro 28 ao pi HanaA do HanaMl Hansen Hauser Hickok Higbee HonvprA Inlandin 43 14 9 KaiserSt 23 Kromex 6 Israel Introduces Car on US Market NEW YORK tT The array of foreign car models imported into the United States has a new entry the Sabra from Israel The Sabra described as the only compact car with a fiber glass body will be introduced at the Hotel Astor here Nov 29 It is powered by a four cylinder engine The price has not been announced Inc In Inc In 4 I Ol 1 Wi i i i a 7x4 Mcn rJ i 14 i I 1 1 'W 1 15 I A A Zy I II i in II 41 zx z7 fcC 'Z I 1 vl Z7 sxk 7u Cm 1 1 7 yA 1 sz 1 31 Yj i 'A 1 RJU i of1 A ir 4 i 1 Tf rm I 1 A 1 i 4 i i i UJf MfpW I iTTTiTn i nP If vvn ii? 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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.