Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (2024)



Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (1)

Elizabeth Waddington, MA, Dip.Perm.Des. - Garden Designer

Elizabeth is a Permaculture Garden Designer, Sustainability Consultant and Professional Writer, working as an advocate for positive change. She graduated from the University of St. Andrews with an MA in English and Philosophy and obtained a Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design from the Permaculture Association.

/ Updated July 17th, 2023
Reviewed By DAN ORI

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (2)

Dan Ori, MCIHort, Horticulturist

Dan has over 27 years’ under his belt caring for plants and gardens. Working as a Horticultural Instructor and Consultant, he draws on a diverse range of experience that includes working as a Head Gardener, Tree Surgeon, Garden Centre Trouble Shooter, and writer of academic papers. Dan has a Level 3 Diploma in Horticulture and is currently a candidate for the RHS’s most prestigious award – The Master of Horticulture.

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines


  • Overview
  • Lunaria Types
  • Annual Honesty
  • Perennial Honesty
  • Why Grow Lunaria?
  • How To Grow Lunaria
  • Ongoing Plant Care
  • References

Lunaria is a flowering plant that in the language of flowers represents honesty, sincerity and prosperity.

Honesty is a useful and interesting plant that can find a place in many gardens.

There are actually two different plants called honesty: one is annual (or biennial) honesty – Lunaria annua, and the other is perennial honesty – Lunaria rediviva.

In this guide, we will discuss both of these plants.

By the end of this guide, you should have a much better idea about which, if either, of these useful and attractive plants might be a good choice for your garden.


Botanical NameLunaria
Common Name(s)Honesty Plant
Plant TypeAnnual / Perennial Flower
Native AreaEurope, North America
FoliageTriangular-ovate leaves
FlowersPurple 4-petalled flowers, followed by silvery seed cases
When To SowMarch, April, May, June, September, October
Flowering MonthsMay, June

Full Sun / Partial Shade

Exposed or Sheltered


0.5 – 1M

0.1 – 0.5M

Bloom Time
Late Spring


Chalk, Loam, Sand

Moist but well drained


Lunaria is a genus of flowering plants that are actually in the Brassicaceae family – this is the family that also includes the edible brassicas that we might find in a vegetable garden, such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, cauliflower, kohlrabi, turnips, mustard etc.1Todd, J. (n.d.). Lunaria annua. Oxford University Plants. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from

This genus actually includes four species, two of which are interesting for UK gardeners.

The other two, that we will not be covering in this guide, are L. elongata and the rare Balkan species L. telekiana.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (3)

Lunaria means ‘like the moon’ – a name which refers to the decorative seed pods of these plants.

The disc-shaped, silvery pods also explain many other common names for the plants, and its association with silver coins, or money.

These plants are native to central and southern Europe and North America, but they are widely grown as ornamental plants in gardens, and have become naturalised in many temperate climate zones outside their native range.2Lunaria annua. (n.d.). Missouri Botanical Garden. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from

Lunaria Types

Annual Honesty

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (4)

Botanical Name: Lunaria annua

Annual or biennial honesty is an attractive garden plant that grows up to around 90cm tall with a spread of around 30cm.

It has coarse, pointed-oval shaped, hairy leaves with marked serrations along the edges.

In the spring and summer, the plants bear racemes of white or violet flowers which are followed by showy green-light brown translucent disc-shaped silicles (not botanically speaking seedpods though they are often referred to as such).

Once ripe and dry, seeds fall from these silicles leaving a silvery membrane that can sometimes persist on the plants throughout the winter.

The name ‘honesty’ emerged in the sixteenth century and it is believed to relate to the translucence of the silicle membranes.3The Brassica family and their useful plants; (2022, July 3). Wonderful Weed Weekly. Retrieved March 21, 2023, from

  • In the US it is commonly called ‘Silver Dollars’.
  • In French, ‘monnaie du pape’ meaning ‘Pope’s Money’.
  • In Denmark and Dutch-speaking countries as ‘Coins of Judas’.

Perennial Honesty

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (5)

Botanical Name: Lunaria rediviva

Perennial honesty is another popular garden plant.

It grows up to 1m in height and has large, pointed oval-shaped leaves with marked serrations, similar to the above.

It has clusters of fragrant, pale pink flowers that are borne in the spring.

Rather than having circular silicles, this plant has longer pods that taper to points at both ends.

But these pods, like those of the above, have a bright whitish-silver appearance that can have great ornamental appeal.

Like other perennial plants, L. rediviva is a great option for those who want to create long-lasting gardens that won’t require a lot of work, since it will come back and flower over a number of years.

Why Grow Lunaria?

Wildlife Benefits

L. annua and L. rediviva are both very useful wildlife-friendly plants and are considered to be excellent choices for wildflower meadow-type planting schemes and wildlife gardens.

This not only has ecological benefits, but can also aid those trying to grow their own.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (6)

Since increasing biodiversity helps keep the ecosystem in balance and aids in organic pest control.

These are great plants for attracting lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) and other pollinators.

It is caterpillar food for the caterpillars of the orange tip butterfly, for example.

Ornamental Reasons

The plants are both also great ornamental choices.

They add interest not only during the flowering period but also beyond, as the attractive silicles form.

What is more, the dried seed pods are also very attractive in floral arrangements, and are often used in cut flower displays.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (7)

They could also therefore be good choices to add to a cut flower garden.

Edible Yield

L. annua can also be interesting for those cultivating an edible garden.

The seeds have a strong and pungent flavour and are used as a mustard substitute.

The root of the plant is sometimes also cultivated and eaten.

Low Maintenance

L. rediviva is a tough perennial, and a great choice for low-maintenance gardens.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (8)

Like other perennial plants, it can be a good choice for low-maintenance wildflower meadows or perennial beds or borders, and can be suitable for areas of a garden where other forms of ground cover may be difficult to establish.

Trap Crops

Another thing to consider is that, as members of the Brassicaceae family, these plants may be beneficial in an organic garden as trap crops – distracting pests that prey on edible brassicas and thereby providing a distraction to help in keeping culinary crops safe.

Unless seeds are collected, both of these plants will often self-seed readily.

How To Grow Lunaria

The plants can cope with an exposed location, but if you want to retain the attractive silvery membranes on the plants for as long as possible then they are best grown in a more sheltered spot.

One thing to note if you plan to incorporate this plant into a kitchen garden is that it should not be grown in the same bed as brassicas, and annual brassicas should be rotated in a crop rotation scheme.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (9)

Honesty works well in a spring woodland border and can be great when grown alongside tulips or other spring flowering bulbs.

“I love to establish swathes of white and pale colour flowered Lunaria under the dappled shade of a tree, as there is something mesmerising in the way the broken sunlight through a fresh spring canopy catches these flowers,” shares Master Horticulturist Dan Ori.

They also work well alongside Alliums, geraniums and forget-me-nots, for example.

It can also look good amongst naturalistic meadow planting schemes with grasses and native wildflowers.

Ongoing Plant Care

Lunaria are great low-maintenance plants and really do require very little care.

Give them a little water if the weather it particularly dry.

But generally, you can leave them to get on with things and focus on more fussy plants.

The one thing to make sure of is that the Lunaria do not have ‘wet feet’ – waterlogging is one problem that they cannot abide.

Like common edible brassicas, this plant can be affected by club root.

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (10)

Other than that, they will not usually encounter many problems – in fact, they can be so low maintenance that in some areas, they can even start to be considered as a weed!

However, as it is generally untroubled by pests, you will find that both types of Lunaria can be very useful and attractive additions to your garden.

If you do not already grow Lunaria in your garden, it is certainly a good option to consider.

Honesty is something to cultivate in all areas of life – including in your garden!

Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture (2024)


Lunaria 'Honesty Plant' Care & Growing Tips | Horticulture? â€ș

Select a location in full sun to partial shade with rich, ideally moist soil. The plant grows well in a pH range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Good places for honesty are beds, borders, and cutting gardens.

Does honesty come back every year? â€ș

Most honesty is biennial. Sow seeds in early summer to flower the following spring. Grow in moist but well-drained soil in sun to partial shade. Let the flowers develop seedheads for attractive winter displays.

Where is the best place to plant honesty? â€ș

Honesty plants are best grown in full sun or part shade. Choose a location that will receive at least 3 hours of full sun each day. Honesty plants need a well drained soil enriched with plenty of organic matter.

How do you keep honesty flowering? â€ș

In early summer, after plants develop a thick rosette of leaves and send up vertical stems, pinch the tallest stems back to encourage the plants to develop more flowering branches.

Does Lunaria like sun or shade? â€ș

Lunaria is derived from luna, the Latin name for moon, a reference to the shape of the fruit. It is used most often in dried floral arrangements. This plant requires full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil.

Why is honesty not always good? â€ș

While honesty is important, there are times when it's better to hold back and prioritize your mental health. One such situation is when you're dealing with a toxic or abusive relationship. Being honest with someone who is toxic or abusive can put you in danger and lead to further harm.

Why is honesty so difficult at time? â€ș

When feeling besieged, doing the right thing is even harder than usual. But it's no less important. Sometimes telling the truth is difficult, because it can mean sacrificing what one genuinely wants or needs. It's easy to convince oneself that a small lie is harmless, but cheating is a slippery slope.

Should you deadhead honesty? â€ș

Spring pruning boosts growth; avoid summer to not disrupt blooming. đŸŒĄïž Mild weather pruning recommended; deadhead for continuous blooms.

Is honesty hard to grow? â€ș

Honesty blooms in rich, purples, pinks and starry bi-coloured combinations which are almost fluorescent at sunset. It is a vital nectar plant and therefore popular with bees and butterflies, very easy to grow, normally self-seeding itself in sunny or shady positions.

Can you grow honesty in pots? â€ș

The seeds are hidden within the papery layers of the seed pod, usually three of them, large and flat and easy to handle. As biennials, you can sow them any time in spring from March until June, either direct or in modular trays or small pots, to flower the following year.

How to care for Lunaria? â€ș

Keep the soil your lunaria is housed in consistently moist throughout the growing season—about one inch of water (through rainfall or manual watering) a week should do. Keep in mind, the exact amount of water your plant needs can depend on your environment and its location in your landscape.

How tall do honesty plants grow? â€ș

Hardiness5 - 9 What's My Zone?
ExposureFull Sun, Partial Sun
Season of InterestSpring (Mid, Late) Summer (Early, Mid)
Height2' - 3' (60cm - 90cm)
Spread1' - 2' (30cm - 60cm)
15 more rows

When to cut Lunaria? â€ș

How do I cut my lunaria for dried arrangements? Cut once the seed pods turn from green to brown and hang them in a warm dry location until the seeds fall out.

Is Lunaria hard to grow? â€ș

Money plant is an easy-to-grow biennial. Lunaria seeds can be sown outdoors from spring until fall. In USDA Hardiness zones 8-10, seeds can be sown in fall.

Does Lunaria come back every year? â€ș

Gently rub off the brown husks from the sides of seed pods. Is Lunaria annua annual or perennial? Lunaria annua is a biennial, it bears flowers and sets seeds in its second year then dies.

Is Lunaria plant invasive? â€ș

Although it's a popular ornamental plant due to its attractive flowers and unique seed pods, it can self-seed prolifically and become invasive under the right conditions. It's known to escape cultivation and naturalize in many areas, including parts of North America and elsewhere.

How long does honesty take to dry? â€ș

How do you dry the seed pods of honesty? Cut the stems close to the ground after they turn green, being careful not to knock off the seed pods. Tie 10 to 15 stems together and hang them upside down to dry in a dark, airy place for two to three weeks or until stems and seed pods turn golden brown.

Is honesty a wild flower? â€ș

Honesty is a native plant of Italy and the Balkans, and was introduced as a garden plant into the UK by the sixteenth century, being found in the wild as an 'escape'.

Is the annual honesty plant edible? â€ș

Edible Uses

Seed - cooked. A pungent flavour, they are used as a mustard substitute[183]. The pungency of mustard develops when cold water is added to the ground-up seed - an enzyme (myrosin) acts on a glycoside (sinigrin) to produce a sulphur compound. The reaction takes 10 - 15 minutes.

Is annual honesty invasive? â€ș

It's known to escape cultivation and naturalize in many areas, including parts of North America and elsewhere. Honesty is listed in the Invasive Plant Atlas of the United States.

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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.