Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)

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Dodge County Citizeni

Beaver Dam, Wisconsin

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i TEMPTING Hawley Bloc) bone 8641 ife Dr Wisconsin consistcry A to be a New Mu el I BURNETT in cently appointed recruiting pfficers of Jobs have i for Ex by GET IT IN BEAVER OX war Rus under the aus Jockey club com hicago merchants shortly to deter the minds out here in They have com their work on the Malleable all druggists or i Send ree) Sample Prices as low as the lowest and the quality of Coa Leave orders at Zweck Hardware store 107 ront St a Willard A Van Brunt Donates $200000 In irst Mortgage arm I 1 Securities Pub August 3 1916) State of Wisconsin CHICAGOHORSE RACING ENDED Sales made Reasonable temrs WRITE DATES r4 DAM SON MR AND MRS 1 A MEISTER BURIED This morning at three the four days old son of Mr and Mrs A Meister 205 High street passed away uneral services were held this afternoon at Rev Gammelin officiating and interment in Oakwood 'cemetery The parents have the sincere sym pathy of the community Will Be Used in Rifle Practice Next1 Week This Allowance Gives Each Private rom Wiscon sin 100 Rounds i Office in Tele BEAVE DRlSCHOENWETTERDDS Defitab Office4 On nawiev kioci lOLXront 8t JUNEAU Wis July Mr and Mrs Arthur Sieloff and daughter Ber nice returned home riday evening after spending a week with relatives in Milwaukee Miss Eva Lewis returned ri day after spending flvq weeks in Bea ver Dam Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hartzheim arrived in Juneau Thursday morning after a honeymoon trip through Yel lowstone National park Mr and Mrs John Clifford and fam ily Mrs A Clifford and Miss Julia Clifford were Watertown visitors Thursday 7' kMiss Myrtle Yager has returned to her home in Lewiston Minn after a three weeks visit at the home of Mr and Mrs James Mrs Walter Lemm of Milwaukee is visiting at the home of her moth er Mrs Marie Pluckhan this week Mrs Max Arndt and son Charles arid Miss Lydia Arndt spent Thursday in Miss Lillian Lewis was a pnd du Lac visitor Wednesday Dr Neis of Milwaukee is visiting at the home of his parents Mr and Mrs rank Neis Mr Will Neis of Clyman has' been canvassing Juneau in the interest of Co Converse Nursery Co of ort Atkinson Mrs Will Carey and daughter Jeanette of Watertown were week end visitors at the Edward Duffy home Mr Ludwig Sommerfeld left Juneau the forepart of the week to visit his sons Paul and Barney in Saskatoon Canada Rev and Mrs Olsen of Pardee ville have been visiting at the home of their daughter Mrs Claire Beadle this week Mr and Mrs 'Edward Guenther and family will move to ort Atkinson next week where Mr Guenther has purchased a Hivery stable Mr and Mrs Wolf Panzer spent Sunday with relatives in Portland Mrs Will Wendorf of Clyman spent riday with her sister Mrs Herman Vefgjenz 1 people high and low an which I have attempted to this series of articles are showing the new trend in hardens but educates said Wagner And it of the masses tp higher) One Can see it working Russia even with the naked eye The i people have demanded' to be put work for the public good been given themthey have set to work and already they love it nd German spoken WM Practical Telephone 1122 ing after visiting with Mr Pete son one Mr and Mrs William Daniel son George went to Jefferson morning where they will spend a week with rolativoa Alexander and Dick Beichl Davenport and Weix were Madi son visitors yesterday afternoon and evening via auto A No 4 BEAVER DAM WIS English Welsh a gTerms reasonal ZlADIGAh AKE V8S i ROM SATURDAYS DAILY Benjamin and Byron Tarnutzer ar rived hbme last evening from Chicago Mr Emil Derge and i two5 children went to Iron Ridge Wis to visit over Sunday Mrs Christ Ehlert went to Milwau kee this morning where she will visit with friends for a few A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs Jacob Graff Jr Town of Beaver Dam last evening riday July 28 1916 Mrs R' Bestor returned to her home in Chicago last evening after visiting Mrs John Erbin for a few days" 4' Empire Block hone 1242 AWIt Wit in less than three hours roppejdj frpQi the ranks of the irst regiment The other two regiments lost less than ten men This is ac knowledged to be another feather in the icapsg of Wisconsin This afternoon the men spent get ting the guns and equipment ready for the weekly inspection The gov ernment has issued several thousand feet of lumber to the Wisconsin com panies for mess sheds This will make meal time more enjoyable I inal steps are now being taken to make the Wisconsin Home'for Masons at Dousman independent i i 1 irst mortgage farm securities total ing $200000 were donated bn Wednes day by Willard A Van Brunt of Hori con to the grand lodge of Wisconsin ree and Accepted Masons as anendowment for the home On the same day the Wisconsin consistory turned 'the home over to the grand lodge The consistory had maintained it! for eleven years 1 Trustees and members of a special committee of the grand lodge went to Dousman with I Mr Van Brunt tp in spect the property Among those in the party were: 1 I Judge Aldro Jenks Dodgeville Judge Hiram Sawyer Hartford Cj Rogers Milwaukee! Alexander Matheson Janesville Robert Lang Racine Herbert Laflin Milwau kee David Harlowe Milwaukee Luther Caufy Milwaukee William Currie Milwaukee Gray Mil waukee Perry Milwaukee The farm and buildings of the home were given by Mr Van Brunt He conveyed the property to the Wiscon sin consistory bn Nov 23 1905 It was deeded to the grand lodge with his consent lb consists pf 319 acres of land There are now on it lo6 head of pure bred Holstein cattle valued at $38000i The total value of theihome is about $150000 I Mr Van Brunt is a thirty third de gree Mason and is a member of the 500000 RILE SHELLS ISSUED TO i BADGERBOYS I 1 I CAMP WILSON San Antonio Tex July rifle practice next week at Leon Springs more than 500000 rounds of ammunition have been is sued to vthe Wisconsin brigade Each private has received 100 rounds The success' in hikes in preparation for the march to Leon Springs Monday) is the talk of the camp Today they made nine miles Not a man 1 Of William Teh Lodge No 192 meelt i every Thursday evening at Odd el lowi' Hall lA Hintz otto Beichl i Beaver Dam Lodge No 117 meet every Monday evening at Odd I Hall I Wm tKohl Ernst Wollenburg 1 Beaver Encampment No 24 meetf the second and fourth Tuesday of eact I month at Odd Hall Ji Boothroyd I A Schulze Scribe I Beulah Lodge Nl 4 of meet i the first and third Tuesdays of each I month at Odd Halt Mrs Amelia Griner Mrs Emma Crane Secretary Beaver Dam Rebekah Lodge No 6V meets every second and four th I Wednej days of each month at Odd ellow Hall Mrs Bessie Hintz i Mrs Martina Vollmer ox Lake Wis Graduate of Jones National Schon of AUCTIONEERS Vrite mefpr terms and dates (By the United Press Association) RACINE Wis July (Special) new municipal birthing beach claimed 'its third victinT this season? last night when Miss' jyerna Daniels 4 aged 25 was drowned A canoe in which Migs Daniels "Was rid ing with a companion overturned the companion reaching shore safely swimming red kLewis: I Rus sia i That is one of ithe things the war means to this mighty empire If Western Europe willi be changed through this Armageddon how much more so will thp Europe of the Eastwhere people arer comparatively young i 1 These are the things implied by Pastor Wagner I Russia in fact has already changed already started on the new road The American coming to Russia ex pects to find things much more cen tralized than in rancb or England He expects to see the government working independently above and a part from tlie people because in the past the government has played the part of the: parent looking after the heeds of the" child br the people To his surprise he observes nothing of the kind I finds' the Russian people wbrking for and with the government Me discovers twp great armies in the land one in uniform! under arms fighting The other in plain clothes or: overalls at bench and lathe work ing The agent the Gen eral Staff commands both: an co ordi nate their efforts Through their All Russian Zemstvo Union their All Russian Municipality Union their Central Committee their War Industry Committee' their' Co operative societies and kindred organ izations Russian plain people and Russian gentry are working hand in hand collaborating with ment and army for the country at large and for the govern good of the victory Never before have the people shown such an eagerness to do public service and never before have they displayed such an aptitude for it No one here makes any secret of these things I have talked to many the facts set down in ecognized as Russia County Court for Dodge County i In Probate Notice is hereby givenijthat at the Jspectial term df the County court i to be held in and forsaid county at the council chambers in the city hall in the! city of Beaver Dam' in said coun ty bn the fourth Tuesday (being the '22nd day) of August 1916 at the Opening of court on that day cr as soon thereafter a i counsel can be heard the following mattiers will be heard and considered: In the Matter of the Lalst Will and Testament and Estate of John Cleary deceased: The application of Leoi Cleary as Executor of the last will and testament and estate of John Cleary late of the city of Beaver Dam iii said coun ty deceased tor the examination ad justment and allowance of his inter locutory account as such fiexecutor Dated this18th day of July 1916 By Order of the Coiirt LAMOREUX i County Judge Hiirirp iiiprR Atrornpvs ecutor 1 K'W a Sum of $1983000 Has Been Allotted to Wisconsin to be Used With Im ive Years TBv the United Press Association )j I sMADISON Wis July Dip patches from Washington state that allotment of ederal aid for good roads under the Shackleford ederal good roads bill will amount td $128361 for the year 1916 This bill provides for" ederal aid to each of the states for road building The total sum allotted to Wisconsin Hs $l983000 running1 over a five year period and increasing each year Three per cent deducted frojn this amount for the3 of administration on the part of the Department of Agricul tUTG Sj" i With the announcement of the first allotment of $128361 the Good Roads association of Wisconsin which is following the matter closely gives the following amounts which the state will receive each year: 1916 $128361 1917 18 i 256722 1918 19 385083 1919 20 513444 1920 21 641805 Inasmuch as it will not be possible to utilize the 128361 which is avail able fr Wise zje'h for Jhe yea 1916 this amount uhfler the terms of the ederal Aid ab can added to the amou nt allotted to this state for the ensuing year which is $256722 mak ing ederal aid of $385083 available for use in Wisconsin next year In asmuch as the state must meet the amount supplied by the ederal gov ernment this means that the legisla ture next winter must get busy and appropriate $385083 specifically for road work under the ederal aid law It will be necessary to do this quick ly and early in the session in order to give the State Highway commission time to draw up plans and specifica tions and to lay out the work to be done Under the terms of the bill the State Highway Commission is empow ered to select the roads upon which the money will be spent determine the type of the road and all details bill provides for the use of the money on post roads which includes aarge part of the mileage in this It i further provides that the improvements must be permanent in character and that the roads must thereafter be maintained by the state for a period of not less than ten years! and it limits the' amount be spent on any road under the ederal Aid Act to $10000 per mile This is the seventh and last of series on the com mon people of Russia in which he shows what i an advantage the world war has been to them Maurer Humphreys Borneo Medicine Company 156 ilhain StreetNew Yok SICK ANIMALS i A BIG BOOK on diseases ofHonei Cattle Sheep' Doga And Poultry mailed free Veterinary Medicines William Street New York 4 i i I 1 badgerstate EDERAL AID OR wars GUIIU KUADi Iron Range building and also on the City Water Works building) They are now doing some work for the Western Malleables Co I I Mrs red Kupal went to Lake this morning where she will Sunday with relatives I Mrs James Woodrow and two daughters Elizabeth and jEthel re turned to Portage this morning after visiting with her mother Mrs Dan McMillin for two weeks 1 Mr Mrs Putnam and Mr Mike Devitt of Madison are vis itors at the Dr and Mrs Groose home in the Town of Beaver i Dam Over Sunday I i I Mr and Mrs George ess and Nugent returned to Kan daughter Georgia of Madison have sas City Missouri this morning after been guests the past few days of Dr spending one month with Mr Andrew and Mrs Groose of the Town Mirlach of Beaver Dam i' Mr and Mrs rank Zaczek went to Mrs Will Herrick and three chil Minnesota Junction this morning! dren of Chicago are visiting her par where they will spend a few days with ents Mr and Mrs Nicollsd Both relatives Mr and Mrs Herrick werejfdrmer tit tit a residents of Beaver Dam I I Mr and Mrs Anton Ries and family went to Lomira last evening where Mrs Estell Van Einer and Miss ithey iwill visit with Mrs Ries tfor Ggrtriide of Milwaukee fwbo a few days have been guests of Mr! and Mrs it at A 'N Groose Of the Town of Beaver Mr and Mrs Savage returned 'Dam since last Wednesday returned to their home in Milwaukee last even 'V home last evening 1 ing after visiting with Mr Pete Nel 1 1 Mr and Mrs Herman Bauer and son George of Milwaukee have re turned to their home after spending LlllS namaway ana lamiiy or tne Town ui Deuvei uam ivirs xjauer anai ivirs Hathaway are sisters Mrs St John and family re turned to their home in Greenwich Conn this morning after suendiner a Mrs Root went to Bristol Wis few days with Prof Brown and this morning wherfe she will spend a family Mrs St John was formerly week with her parents Mr and Mrs Miss taught in the piano de Henry Underbert partment at Academy The Misses Goldie and Hazel Lou irst Lieut Jillson recruit den went to Delavin this morning ing officer was to Camp Doug where they will spend a few days with las this morning wh'qre he will attend their sister Verna Louden1 Mrs Mattoon and son Mattoon returned to Los Angeles this morning after spending two months with her mother Mrs Holt Mesdames George Snyder and ugate both of Hartford returned to their homes last' evening after attend ing the funeral of Hon Gilmore The Misses Gertrude and Estelle Van Eimieren of Milwaukee returned home evening after spending a few days with Mrs Sam Crodse! Mr and Mrs Alfred Lohaus and daughter Eleanor went to Oakfield this morning where they will visit with Mr and Mrs Henry Wiese for a few days Mr arid Mrs Newberg and family of Medford ''Wis are Visiting with Mr and Mrs Peter Roedl and family on North Spring street They made the trip via auto Mrs Chas Streu returned last Wed nesday evening from a ten days trip through Illinois and Wisconsin visit ing at Milwaukee Powers Lake Wis Chicago Joliet Ill and other points 11 Mr and Mrs Ellis Davis went to ox 'Lake this morning where they will Visit with Mr and Mrs Meigs river Sunday Mr and Mrs Roehl went to Mil waukee today where she will visit with Mr parents Mr and Mrs Roehl Messrs Warner Lewis and Walter Neiman and the Misses Lucile and Angeline Wild journeyed to Waupun making the trip via auto Mr Wickert a Ripon contrac tor was in the city yesterday Wickert has had a crew of men in this city for some time pleted By WILLIAM PHILIP SIMMS' UnitAT PrAss StfltTl' CorrAsr onflAnt PETROGRAD Jurie (By Mail) is not all Pastor Charles Wagner author of Simple declared to me in jthe course of a Paris interview December 1914 And when I asked him to go onand explain he said: of this turmoil and slaughter a few blessings are bound to emerge Hike' lilies from the sand of a pond or one thing I see a return I from a' highly material to A morn spiritual form oC everyday life or another I believe the minds of the masses will be lifted by the war to a vision of big ger things man can go through such an experince arid remain the petty crea ture he was at the beginning He can not go back to hisawl and his last and pick up bristle and thread just where he left off hardens but war educates one must be different afterwards one must be II The pastor philospher was not speaking of soldiers of rance alone He included all peoples affected by the War the English (the rench the Germans the 'Austrians and the Rus sians His inference was that rance will be a different country I after the So will German and England and sia and all others Russia is bound Dr Schoen I j' (OBMERI MAYVILL WI8 Physician and Surgeon ICE2 4 McetldRe Block opposltellbrar 2133 A 1 i Be8jdenCe 2132 HEAVEK DAM (By the United Pross Association) CHICAGO July 2 Twp weeks of a revival in horse racing ended here today with the staging of the Gold' Cup Handicap a $2000 purse being split among the fiijst four finishers The revival was he pices of the Illinois posed of a score of Cp They plan to meet mine whether an attempt will be made to make the return of horse racing permanent Witch Hazel Oil (COMPOUND) or Piles or Hemorrhoids External or Internal Blind or Bleeding Itching or Burning One application brings relief Two sizes 25c and $100 at mailed of Cl! Io Og gi' COUNTY'SEAT ITEMS BURNETT Wis July Miss Alice Clack is visiting her sister Mrs A A Martin at Appleton Wis John Kuehn and family were Madi son visitors Thursday making thq! trip via auto Vern Vesper of West Allis Was an Over Sunday caller at his home here Our streets and all Estate roads in the vicinity received a coat of oil the first of the i 11 William Gipson and family were Sunday visitors with relatives at Wat ertown and Richwood 11 Mrs Neitzel arid family were Oshkosh ond du Lac and Van Dyne visitors Tuesday' Miss Esther Sutherland of ond du Lac was a visitor in the village Thur day Robert Christian and wife and Miss Leona iLiermann Chaperon of 1 the vil lage and Mr and Mrs Schultz of Bea ver Dam returned a week Thurs day evening from their automobile trip to Waupaca Marshfield Stevens Point Thorp and Stanley Wisd Mr Christian reports plenty of poor roads both sand and mud being encountered at times coming up to the run board an the auto but as he? states he had a so pulled out eas ily oAside from lots of company in the hotels that they stopped at and a tire puncture they enjoyed a very pleasant trip Burnett and vicinity has passed through one of the hottest and dryest spells Experienced in many years The climax reached Thursday when porch and street thermometers regis tered 104 degrees! The potato crop will be a' failure unless we soon get rain The infant child of Mr and Mrs Haskins died Wednesday afternoon A private funeral was held Thursday afternoon with interment at 'the Wau pun ceirietery 1 Many of the fanners in the com munity have lost horses by the heat during "the pas few days Emil Nitschke and' August Haase both hav ing horsesfiun struck on Thursday a 1 PASTOR SAYS WAR WILL MAKE EUROPE BETTER I Burdens But? War Educates MKOne Different After 1 1 wards One Must be urniture Picture rames Paper and Window Shedss A full line of Burial Goods nan Licensed Embalmer and uneral Director Mrs Lewis lady assistant Opposite Armory Beaver Dam Wis Store 633 226 ront St Res 195? HORICON MANX I JI 4 ENDOWES STATE MASONIC HOME OO AU I elivered to any part of the city on she notice by PAUTSCH Piano Tuner 710 No Spring St BEAVER DAM WIS LQ8 yi a conference tomorrow of jthe re state Mr arid Mrs Wm Zimmerman Mr and Mrs Taylor and Mr' and Mrs Webb Taylor of this city were among the Beaverites that Leard William Jennings Bryan speak the Waupun Chautauqua last evening Ira Bishop of St Louis is visit ing his sister and nephew Mrs Geo A Hubbell and II Hubbell' 225 East Third street Mr Bishrip has made several previous visits herd He reports Beaver Dam as frigid com pared with Bt Louis at this time Nine fine ears of sweet cornfrom the garderi of George Vesper 108 Gil more avenue found their wajrtp the office of The Citizen yesterday thanks to It was the first of the season for us of the and? we doubt if anyone else In the city has been more fortunate Tor an early treat of this kind i Lawns about town are being scorch ed by the intense heat and lck of rain Corn is rolling like a Hot i of cornucopias and many flowers vegetables are literally Unless reliefis afforded soon in the form of copious showers a short harvest will be inevitable ANOTHER VICTIM i AT RACINE BEACH 'AUCTIONEER' ZiSMih 1 IO 'T I uh 'r 'I 1 A kJU: 7' 4 I A I liN lkrll I JU lit J' A "MS J' 7 it waMaaMMNuaHiMinwawwwBnMavManQKKaaKKDMsiaaH ditin iHiri a i iinczr: nKifisft mhmh i I 'V 4 aS i 'T1 1 7 1 1 K' 14 I I 77777 iMiriffnnnTnnwrBnninMwL jrr nuK 41 i I STA j' 7: i i ffl rani a I1! 1" Th I C3 I I I I 1 7g A i fe I I 4 i 1 I I II I I 1 I I I 4 1 1 S' i i 1 i Im tfc I LH Lz 1'1 nV 1 a 5 I A 1 4J a ft 4 i tp a ap Ka zt'zv wc i 1 'J I A 1 1 a 1 I 4' I ndri iW left ii ij.

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Dodge County Citizen from Beaver Dam, Wisconsin (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.