Countries of the World A-Z (2024)

Can you name the Countries of the World A-Z?

By TimWestworld


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' +'

' +'

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Quiz is untimed. Quiz plays in practice mode will not be counted towards challenge completion or badge progress.


A (Southern Asia)
A (Southern Europe)
A (Northern Africa)
A (Southern Europe)
A (Middle Africa)
A (Caribbean)
A (South America)
A (Western Asia)
A (Australia and New Zealand)
A (Western Europe)
A (Western Asia)
B (Caribbean)
B (Western Asia)
B (Southern Asia)
B (Caribbean)
B (Eastern Europe)
B (Western Europe)
B (Central America)
B (Western Africa)
B (Southern Asia)
B (South America)
B (Southern Europe)
B (Southern Africa)
B (South America)
B (South-Eastern Asia)
B (Eastern Europe)
B (Western Africa)
B (Eastern Africa)
C (Western Africa)
C (South-Eastern Asia)
C (Middle Africa)
C (Northern America)
C (Middle Africa)
C (Middle Africa)
C (South America)
C (Eastern Asia)
C (South America)
C (Eastern Africa)
C (Middle Africa)
C (Middle Africa)
C (Central America)
C (Western Africa)
C (Southern Europe)
C (Caribbean)
C (Western Asia)
C (Eastern Europe)
D (Northern Europe)
D (Eastern Africa)
D (Caribbean)
D (Caribbean)
E (South America)
E (Northern Africa)
E (Central America)
E (Middle Africa)
E (Eastern Africa)
E (Northern Europe)
E (Southern Africa)
E (Eastern Africa)
F (Melanesia)
F (Northern Europe)
F (Western Europe)
G (Middle Africa)
G (Western Africa)
G (Western Asia)
G (Western Europe)
G (Western Africa)
G (Southern Europe)
G (Caribbean)
G (Central America)
G (Western Africa)
G (Western Africa)
G (South America)
H (Caribbean)
H (Central America)
H (Eastern Europe)
I (Northern Europe)
I (Southern Asia)
I (South-Eastern Asia)
I (Southern Asia)
I (Western Asia)
I (Northern Europe)
I (Western Asia)
I (Southern Europe)
J (Caribbean)
J (Eastern Asia)
J (Western Asia)
K (Central Asia)
K (Eastern Africa)
K (Micronesia)
K (Western Asia)
K (Central Asia)
L (South-Eastern Asia)
L (Northern Europe)
L (Western Asia)
L (Southern Africa)
L (Western Africa)
L (Northern Africa)
L (Western Europe)
L (Northern Europe)
L (Western Europe)
M (Eastern Africa)
M (Eastern Africa)
M (South-Eastern Asia)
M (Southern Asia)
M (Western Africa)
M (Southern Europe)
M (Micronesia)
M (Western Africa)
M (Eastern Africa)
M (Central America)
M (Micronesia)
M (Eastern Europe)
M (Western Europe)
M (Eastern Asia)
M (Southern Europe)
M (Northern Africa)
M (Eastern Africa)
M (South-Eastern Asia)
N (Southern Africa)
N (Micronesia)
N (Southern Asia)
N (Western Europe)
N (Australia and New Zealand)
N (Central America)
N (Western Africa)
N (Western Africa)
N (Eastern Asia)
N (Southern Europe)
N (Northern Europe)
O (Western Asia)
P (Southern Asia)
P (Micronesia)
P (Central America)
P (Melanesia)
P (South America)
P (South America)
P (South-Eastern Asia)
P (Eastern Europe)
P (Southern Europe)
Q (Western Asia)
R (Eastern Europe)
R (Eastern Europe)
R (Eastern Africa)
S (Caribbean)
S (Caribbean)
S (Caribbean)
S (Polynesia)
S (Southern Europe)
S (Middle Africa)
S (Western Asia)
S (Western Africa)
S (Southern Europe)
S (Eastern Africa)
S (Western Africa)
S (South-Eastern Asia)
S (Eastern Europe)
S (Southern Europe)
S (Melanesia)
S (Eastern Africa)
S (Southern Africa)
S (Eastern Asia)
S (Eastern Africa)
S (Southern Europe)
S (Southern Asia)
S (Northern Africa)
S (South America)
S (Northern Europe)
S (Western Europe)
S (Western Asia)
T (Central Asia)
T (Eastern Africa)
T (South-Eastern Asia)
T (South-Eastern Asia)
T (Western Africa)
T (Polynesia)
T (Caribbean)
T (Northern Africa)
T (Western Asia)
T (Central Asia)
T (Polynesia)
U (Eastern Africa)
U (Eastern Europe)
U (Western Asia)
U (Northern Europe)
U (Northern America)
U (South America)
U (Central Asia)
V (Melanesia)
V (South America)
V (South-Eastern Asia)
Y (Western Asia)
Z (Eastern Africa)
Z (Eastern Africa)
Countries of the World A-Z (2024)


Are there 257 countries in the world? ›

There are 195 countries in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are member states of the United Nations and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the Holy See and the State of Palestine.

What are the only two countries that start with Z? ›

There are two countries in the world that begin with the letter Z: Zambia and Zimbabwe.

How many countries in the world have AZ in their name? ›

There are 15.

Let's not beat around the bush here, we've got a quiz for you which should test your knowledge. There are 15 countries in the world containing the letter Z and you have five minutes to name them all below.

What are the top 100 largest countries? ›

List of countries (and dependencies) ranked by area
#CountryTot. Area (Km²)
4United States9,372,610
65 more rows

Are there 242 countries in the world? ›

By most accounts, 197. There are 193 members of the United Nations (and 2 non-member observer states: the Holy See (Vatican City) and Palestine). Therefore the number 195 is too often used to represent the number of countries in the world.

Are there 248 countries in the world? ›

The United Nations geoscheme is a system which divides 248 countries and territories in the world into six continental regions, 22 geographical subregions, and two intermediary regions. It was devised by the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) based on the M49 coding classification.

What 2 letters do no countries start with? ›

In fact, no matter how long you muse and mull over this puzzling problem, there are two letters that no countries in the world start with. See if you can guess which ones they are. Ready for the answer? Drum roll, please: Turns out, no countries in the world start with the letters W or X.

Does any country have 2 names? ›

* Srilanka - Ceylon (former name). * Greece - Hellenic Republic. * Bangladesh - East Pakistan (former name). * Japan - Nippon.

What are 2 countries that start with J? ›

  • Jamaica.
  • Japan.
  • Jordan.

What is the only country in the world that begins with the letter O? ›

There is only one country in the world that start with the letter O. Oman is the only country in the world that starts with the letter O.

Is there a country that starts with W? ›

There are three country in the world that begins with the letter “W” : Wallis-and-Futuna, Western Sahara and Wales. These countries represent different regions and cultures, each with its own unique characteristics and significance. Population (2022 est.)

What is the world's #1 country? ›

Switzerland Is No. 1 in the World, According to 2023 Best Countries Report.

Who is the smallest country in the world? ›

Vatican City holds the title as the world's smallest country, with an area of just 0.17 square mile (0.44 square km). As a point of comparison, the largest country in the world, Russia, is almost 39 million times bigger. Close behind Vatican City is Monaco, measuring 0.8 square mile (2.1 square km).

What is the first country in the world? ›

1. Egypt. Egypt's history dates back more than 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest nations on Earth. Located in the northeastern corner of Africa, Egypt's ancient civilization thrived along the lush banks of the Nile River, making a lasting impression on human history.

How many countries are in the whole world? ›

How many countries are there in the world? There are 195 recognised countries in the world, according to the United Nations. 193 of these are member states of the UN, while two countries are non-member observer states: Vatican City and the State of Palestine.

Are there 234 countries? ›

The United Nations, for example, recognizes 251 countries and territories. 1 The United States, however, officially recognizes fewer than 200 nations. 2 Ultimately, the best answer is that there are 196 countries in the world.

Is there 230 countries? ›

List of countries in the world: There are a total of 195 countries in the world, of which 193 are UN member states while 2 are non-member observer states - the Vatican and Palestine.

Was there ever 206 countries in the world? ›

By this methodology, there are therefore 253 "countries" in the world: 194 independent nation-states, 55 dependencies, Antarctica, and 3 . The International Olympic Committee claims 206 members, although there are only 195 U.N.-recognized countries.

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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.